General » Site/Ad Issues
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Site/Ad Issues
Published 12/04/2018 @ 07:33:13, By Reg1992
The only problem I have with the site is the deleted comment glitch...I hope there is a way to fix that.
Site/Ad Issues
Published 12/04/2018 @ 17:27:03, By antp

Otherwise sometimes people seem to talk alone or a reply can be mis-interpreted because it does not apply any more to the same post as intended.
If the deleted comment was really useless and does not cause problem for the rest of the page, admins can delete them for good (I do that sometimes when noticing deleted comments).
Latest Edition: 12/04/2018 @ 17:27:49
Site/Ad Issues
Published 13/04/2018 @ 13:23:47, By Exiv96
I reported the redirect problem, they will investigate.
About the video as, you mean videos that expand outside the normal ad area? I had such ad once too.
About the video as, you mean videos that expand outside the normal ad area? I had such ad once too.
I had those earlier in the month, nearly all the time. They expanded automatically and moved the rest of the page downwards.
Site/Ad Issues
Published 08/05/2018 @ 21:02:43, By Gag Halfrunt
I just had an ad on the new comments page redirect me to m6ugXB8fiM_XFccqO5XLhDwe0zh-tF4buRo4CejvIwjmY4XvJTPrhfuH7GrqkUC4l73zNjWpxmcuBfpP9GQEdkxCt9km45O16aXQrCp7lPN- 3q_bs6rXBAY74oJWqAcmLLV1Q4oA--qLLPBQ4X8JonnLvv2ypEAFIlruRkCEm0g3WC9e0LoFTzm5rQ&partner_id=1367&placement=1367-b3766a67&payout={payout}&subid=6553286384726050773
I don't know what the offending ad was because I had scrolled down the page.
I don't know what the offending ad was because I had scrolled down the page.
Site/Ad Issues
Published 09/05/2018 @ 08:47:06, By antp
On which kind of device did you encounter the problem ? Ipad/tablet, phone, computer ?
Site/Ad Issues
Published 13/05/2018 @ 19:48:51, By night cub
Did you switch ad providers again? Ads are gumming up the site for me. Videos ads are slowing everything down, especially if I try to open multiple pages (which I do for validating)
I'm going to amend this, it could be my end. My habit is to view with the ancient IE, when I use Chrome, it is not slow. I need to get into the habit of using Chrome for the site (I still prefer IE Bookmarks over Chrome or Firefox)
Latest Edition: 13/05/2018 @ 20:10:22
I'm going to amend this, it could be my end. My habit is to view with the ancient IE, when I use Chrome, it is not slow. I need to get into the habit of using Chrome for the site (I still prefer IE Bookmarks over Chrome or Firefox)
Latest Edition: 13/05/2018 @ 20:10:22
Site/Ad Issues
Published 13/05/2018 @ 22:03:05, By chicomarx
Does the revenue come from views or clicks alone?
I disable Adblock for this site so it displays the ads, but if you actually have to click on them I guess that's pointless.
I disable Adblock for this site so it displays the ads, but if you actually have to click on them I guess that's pointless.
Site/Ad Issues
Published 14/05/2018 @ 11:39:09, By antp
I didn't do any change in the ads lately
Revenue is per view
Revenue is per view
Site/Ad Issues
Published 30/05/2018 @ 23:58:13, By night cub
Been redirected twice today on my iPad to site
Site/Ad Issues
Published 31/05/2018 @ 08:05:10, By antp
I've reported it; it is strange that these seem to happen only on ipad

Site/Ad Issues
Published 31/05/2018 @ 17:34:57, By antp
They say they could reproduce the problem and thus blocked the culprit.
Lets hope it was the only provider of such bad ads.
Lets hope it was the only provider of such bad ads.
Site/Ad Issues
Published 31/05/2018 @ 19:27:27, By night cub
That's good to know. I wasn't sure if I remembered the address correctly.
Site/Ad Issues
Published 21/06/2018 @ 20:53:44, By Sandie
Site seems to be wobbling a bit tonight:
Warning: mysqli::__construct(): (HY000/2002): No such file or directory in /var/www/imcdb/config_connection.php on line 11 Database connection error
Warning: mysqli::__construct(): (HY000/2002): No such file or directory in /var/www/imcdb/config_connection.php on line 11 Database connection error
Site/Ad Issues
Published 21/06/2018 @ 20:59:43, By antp
Probably when I rebooted the server due to a connectivity problem in ipv6, but the problem is still there (though that I guess it does not affect visitors it seems, since nobody complained since the 30h that the problem is there)
Site/Ad Issues
Published 24/07/2018 @ 13:19:31, By Gag Halfrunt
The browser hijack ads have come back in the last few days. I had one a few minutes ago.
Site/Ad Issues
Published 24/07/2018 @ 14:04:41, By antp

(time, your browser, pc or tablet, source page, target site, ip address if different from the one you use here on the forum, ...)
Latest Edition: 24/07/2018 @ 14:05:41
Site/Ad Issues
Published 24/07/2018 @ 15:16:00, By Gag Halfrunt
The source page is
Tbe target sites today (from the browser history) are: 3344&rank=0&ad=eyJ0aXRsZSI6IiIsInVybCI6IiJ9 C%2CA2Fq9iEqtGU3BP9GH0dEdHP3xP.a04%2CJfhuQnKMb9ZrtgmRbqeo4u3aUzinw95OFeO8qw4xdIc- I7pcKyp5ikmzVldTyhwL2N8Dz1_L6x4tM-0fopbTNkykBODGbXB9g1hGISSg31pPM9TjzzQ_bshavMSMd4uNq_vx9NI0DvQYYCaqCD9h6NNvJr-s3MdCS0ZMbBmiMsJnBmBqs4g89Gad8LX7k7zY8HEjcXVZ67Bjb3LHVxy5C1rTOdByfbzxPi-TEn1jHQewcTC_9Dv7Un5uXMnOlGiSYKiQ8Od4XrS0dsJ4LPWS2-IYfwQbOgj03FdWjC8H4gJeoon6dPPk2tPLBwgi9AEyVaj-CvnbWVSFsdbge1HilBAJMRT0A09nRHzWLDnvjbl1OA_RuHH-rmoF_nxaXCtYQ
Browser is Chrome Version 67.0.3396.99 (Official Build) (64-bit) on Windows 7 Home Premium.
Tbe target sites today (from the browser history) are: 3344&rank=0&ad=eyJ0aXRsZSI6IiIsInVybCI6IiJ9 C%2CA2Fq9iEqtGU3BP9GH0dEdHP3xP.a04%2CJfhuQnKMb9ZrtgmRbqeo4u3aUzinw95OFeO8qw4xdIc- I7pcKyp5ikmzVldTyhwL2N8Dz1_L6x4tM-0fopbTNkykBODGbXB9g1hGISSg31pPM9TjzzQ_bshavMSMd4uNq_vx9NI0DvQYYCaqCD9h6NNvJr-s3MdCS0ZMbBmiMsJnBmBqs4g89Gad8LX7k7zY8HEjcXVZ67Bjb3LHVxy5C1rTOdByfbzxPi-TEn1jHQewcTC_9Dv7Un5uXMnOlGiSYKiQ8Od4XrS0dsJ4LPWS2-IYfwQbOgj03FdWjC8H4gJeoon6dPPk2tPLBwgi9AEyVaj-CvnbWVSFsdbge1HilBAJMRT0A09nRHzWLDnvjbl1OA_RuHH-rmoF_nxaXCtYQ
Browser is Chrome Version 67.0.3396.99 (Official Build) (64-bit) on Windows 7 Home Premium.
Site/Ad Issues
Published 26/09/2018 @ 18:26:52, By rjluna2
I'm getting download request on bottom of the screen

File: downloadrequest.jpg
( 206.7 KB - 1774 )