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Martial Law (1998-2000 TV Series) [No pics]
Published 20/07/2020 @ 23:38:28, By Ddey65
Does anybody remember that short-lived turn of the millennium action TV series "Martial Law" starring Sammo Hung?

There was one episode where Hung's character moves a tandem tractor trailer whose cargo was supposed to be evidence. The trailer looks like it was 26, 27 1/2 or 28 feet long. I actually asked somebody watching the show who I thought might know for sure, but they didn't.

I'm not going to load up any images of the series, but I just thought I'd throw this title here just in case anyone else wants to.

Latest Edition: 20/07/2020 @ 23:38:57
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Martial Law (1998-2000 TV Series) [No pics]
Published 04/08/2020 @ 04:47:59, By JB007
I begin the series. :clindoeil:
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Martial Law (1998-2000 TV Series) [No pics]
Published 06/08/2020 @ 09:52:42, By JB007
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