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How you can submit pictures
Published 19/08/2018 @ 17:55:46, By Ddey65
Only their DVD's. VLC does nothing to help me capture anything on Netflix or Amazon.

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How you can submit pictures
Published 19/08/2018 @ 21:27:42, By antp
I meant if you were playing downloaded video files; but if only have DVD & streaming services as sources, indeed that limits the options.

How do you capture the screen? Print Screen key then get the picture in an image editing software?
If so, have you tried with other software that have capture options on other user-defined hotkeys? For example XnView has such option to capture images.
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How you can submit pictures
Published 19/08/2018 @ 22:29:39, By night cub
Amazon and Netflix are DRM protected. I would guess that is the issue there.

My cable company's DVR is cloud-based so I am able to watch things from there on my devices.
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How you can submit pictures
Published 20/08/2018 @ 01:56:03, By Reg1992
If you're on your PC, just pause and use the Windows Snipping Tool. I did that for the 1968 film "I Love You, Alice B. Toklas!" when I rented it on Amazon.
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How you can submit pictures
Published 16/12/2018 @ 21:03:02, By Ddey65
If you're on your PC, just pause and use the Windows Snipping Tool. I did that for the 1968 film "I Love You, Alice B. Toklas!" when I rented it on Amazon.

I tried it. It's absolutely worthless.

Latest Edition: 16/12/2018 @ 21:16:54
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How you can submit pictures
Published 16/12/2020 @ 23:32:58, By flha
Is it possible to replace pictures with better ones ?
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How you can submit pictures
Published 17/12/2020 @ 01:42:27, By night cub
Is it possible to replace pictures with better ones ?

Only admins can change the main pic.

If you have a better replacement pic, you can use the "Store Pictures on the Site" link right above the comment box. Make sure you have the "automatic resize" button clicked, then choose your file or if you already have it uploaded to another site, copy from remote address. Copy the link that pops up and put it in a comment. Make sure you put "Replacement Pic" with the photo so the admins know. We will change the pic for you.
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How you can submit pictures
Published 26/11/2022 @ 22:32:25, By GremReaper
An AMC Gremlin was driven by the main character throughout the 2014 movie "Horns" - movie based on the Joe Hill (Stephen King's son) novel "Horns"

In the Walking Dead's Go Getters episode, There was also a long scene with an AMC Gremlin (Negan's) that was run over by a tractor driven by Maggie.
File: horns gremlin.jpg ( 107.8 KB - 904 )
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How you can submit pictures
Published 26/11/2022 @ 22:33:40, By GremReaper
Negan's AMC Gremlin
File: negan gremlin.jpg ( 182.3 KB - 887 )
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How you can submit pictures
Published 27/11/2022 @ 11:52:17, By antp
These were already on the site:

Note that new contributions should not be made here anyway. Cf first page of this thread.

Latest Edition: 27/11/2022 @ 11:52:27
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How you can submit pictures
Published 19/02/2023 @ 12:46:18, By Killerwumme01
Hello all, i have the Original Ford Mutt from the Netflix Serie Narcos Mexiko!
Its the original Film Set CAr! I have Pictures from the Set in Mexiko.
I work in the City Puebla for 6 Month.

This is a 1976 General Motors M151 A2!

I come from Gemany :smile:
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How you can submit pictures
Published 19/02/2023 @ 15:23:47, By antp
Hi, that one?
If so, if you want to post info and pictures on that page that would be nice :smile:
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How you can submit pictures
Published 19/02/2023 @ 17:48:06, By Killerwumme01
Thats right.
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How you can submit pictures
Published 19/02/2023 @ 17:58:28, By Killerwumme01
Thats the Car. On the Set they Colored in Oliv. With Aqua Color Plasti Dip!
I send more Pictures from the Set. :smile:
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How you can submit pictures
Published 19/02/2023 @ 18:02:24, By Killerwumme01
File: Screenshot 2023-02-19 175112-1.jpeg ( 221.1 KB - 259 )
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How you can submit pictures
Published 19/02/2023 @ 18:06:11, By antp
Why is there a car with a German plate in background?
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How you can submit pictures
Published 19/02/2023 @ 18:13:03, By Killerwumme01
I took the car to Germany on 1.8.2020 in a container.
It is approved and drives on Bavarian roads :smile:
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How you can submit pictures
Published 19/02/2023 @ 18:13:47, By Killerwumme01
Germany / Bavarian you know? :wink: The best Beer of the World :smile: :aboire:
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How you can submit pictures
Published 19/02/2023 @ 19:57:43, By antp
Nice :smile:
I added the picture to the page:
don't hesitate to add more picture and info if you have (preferably there on the page directly :wink: )

Latest Edition: 19/02/2023 @ 20:00:28
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