Misc » Infected Image Sites
Infected Image Sites
Published 30/01/2011 @ 15:20:42, By Ddey65
For the past week or two I've noticed that ImageShack has been infected with some kind of virus. I saw this with ImageBam last year but now every time I've been clicking on a thumbnail from ImageShack, I've been getting a pop-up window claiming that there's a threat that has been blocked. I found this out when I uploaded the thumbnail for this vehicle, therefore I won't be posting anymore thumbnails until this problem is solved. We should find the e-mail addresses for these sites and tell them about these problems.
Latest Edition: 30/01/2011 @ 15:25:22
Latest Edition: 30/01/2011 @ 15:25:22
Infected Image Sites
Published 30/01/2011 @ 20:29:29, By antp
You could use geting.se in the meantime
I will check that at work see if the antivirus that I have there (nod32) find something, else it may just be a false alert of your antivirus?
I really should find some time to make an image hosting service on imcdb server, now that the space is not a problem at all.
I will check that at work see if the antivirus that I have there (nod32) find something, else it may just be a false alert of your antivirus?
I really should find some time to make an image hosting service on imcdb server, now that the space is not a problem at all.
Infected Image Sites
Published 30/01/2011 @ 23:43:17, By Gomsel
Well, imageshack in the last days not upload the pics
its very slow. Agree, geting.se its smart, better and good.

Infected Image Sites
Published 31/01/2011 @ 14:06:23, By antp
nod32 does not seem to detect anything, it may depend on one of the random ads (or a false positive detection by your antivirus)
Infected Image Sites
Published 02/02/2011 @ 00:11:49, By Ddey65
I'm afraid not, Antoine. I tried it on another PC at a library, and the virus protection program today said they specifically blocked "JS.Trojan.Fortnight.M." I'll see what I can do about using geting.se, but somebody ought to contact ImageShack about this anyhow.