General » Replacement of imageshack
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Replacement of imageshack
Published 23/02/2013 @ 16:22:22, By antp
Here is the top 50 of those using the picture-in-comments upload:
8164 Jale
8114 Sandie
7041 Lateef
5998 stronghold
5258 karoomay
3689 night cub
3535 antp
3385 kegare
3154 Alessandro58
2842 Taco
2432 Weasel1984
2325 vilero
2220 atom
1909 G-MANN
1614 Khaosth
1515 andrepa
1494 afonso
1363 sixcyl
1330 kudos
1221 Neon
1206 owlman
1185 opal
1123 S 415 GT
1015 achiu31
960 tv boy
943 walter
912 blue_thunder
903 Raul1983
848 mike962
842 chicomarx
739 police car fan
712 garco
666 ElSaxo
430 skywatcher68
422 CarChecker
414 badlymad
372 Ford_Guy
365 Bobjork
309 rusty_mutt
302 93montero
298 3loader
274 coopey
261 Ddey65
246 cibup
242 GTO 990
199 rtsbusman1997
192 Robi
181 I-Denev
178 Vulpes
177 Love Krittaya
to be compared with
Note for the top 5: it is not a contest! do not fight for the 1st plate
Latest Edition: 23/02/2013 @ 16:23:22
8164 Jale
8114 Sandie
7041 Lateef
5998 stronghold
5258 karoomay
3689 night cub
3535 antp
3385 kegare
3154 Alessandro58
2842 Taco
2432 Weasel1984
2325 vilero
2220 atom
1909 G-MANN
1614 Khaosth
1515 andrepa
1494 afonso
1363 sixcyl
1330 kudos
1221 Neon
1206 owlman
1185 opal
1123 S 415 GT
1015 achiu31
960 tv boy
943 walter
912 blue_thunder
903 Raul1983
848 mike962
842 chicomarx
739 police car fan
712 garco
666 ElSaxo
430 skywatcher68
422 CarChecker
414 badlymad
372 Ford_Guy
365 Bobjork
309 rusty_mutt
302 93montero
298 3loader
274 coopey
261 Ddey65
246 cibup
242 GTO 990
199 rtsbusman1997
192 Robi
181 I-Denev
178 Vulpes
177 Love Krittaya
to be compared with
Note for the top 5: it is not a contest! do not fight for the 1st plate

Latest Edition: 23/02/2013 @ 16:23:22
Replacement of imageshack
Published 03/09/2013 @ 14:22:18, By antp
Update of the list:
12483 Lateef
11932 Jale
10416 Sandie
7124 karoomay
6473 kegare
6082 stronghold
5257 night cub
5226 antp
4873 Alessandro58
4109 Taco
3330 Weasel1984
2807 galloper
2748 atom
2712 Robi
2705 police car fan
2700 dsl
2443 andrepa
2361 S 415 GT
2324 vilero
2235 G-MANN
2091 opal
2072 owlman
1864 Neon
1797 m.pfaffeneder
1727 sixcyl
1722 afonso
1710 Raul1983
1659 Khaosth
1652 ElSaxo
1608 walter
1606 mike962
1560 kudos
1367 garco
1291 chicomarx
1272 tv boy
1215 blue_thunder
1209 achiu31
811 CarChecker
752 Love Krittaya
582 badlymad
577 Bobjork
564 I-Denev
558 DidierF
496 coopey
491 rtsbusman1997
473 skywatcher68
471 rjluna2
465 Ford_Guy
429 rockstarnorth225
425 boys_bible
Seeing the number of (not always useful) additional pics, it is no surprise to me that Lateef has reached the first place
(and I was indeed also expecting a rise of Karoomay's place...)
This only counts pics actually used in comments. Those uploaded but then not used (or used in comments which were deleted/edited) are not kept, so do not appear in this list.
Latest Edition: 03/09/2013 @ 14:23:37
12483 Lateef
11932 Jale
10416 Sandie
7124 karoomay
6473 kegare
6082 stronghold
5257 night cub
5226 antp
4873 Alessandro58
4109 Taco
3330 Weasel1984
2807 galloper
2748 atom
2712 Robi
2705 police car fan
2700 dsl
2443 andrepa
2361 S 415 GT
2324 vilero
2235 G-MANN
2091 opal
2072 owlman
1864 Neon
1797 m.pfaffeneder
1727 sixcyl
1722 afonso
1710 Raul1983
1659 Khaosth
1652 ElSaxo
1608 walter
1606 mike962
1560 kudos
1367 garco
1291 chicomarx
1272 tv boy
1215 blue_thunder
1209 achiu31
811 CarChecker
752 Love Krittaya
582 badlymad
577 Bobjork
564 I-Denev
558 DidierF
496 coopey
491 rtsbusman1997
473 skywatcher68
471 rjluna2
465 Ford_Guy
429 rockstarnorth225
425 boys_bible
Seeing the number of (not always useful) additional pics, it is no surprise to me that Lateef has reached the first place

(and I was indeed also expecting a rise of Karoomay's place...)
This only counts pics actually used in comments. Those uploaded but then not used (or used in comments which were deleted/edited) are not kept, so do not appear in this list.
Latest Edition: 03/09/2013 @ 14:23:37
Replacement of imageshack
Published 03/10/2013 @ 02:29:32, By Neon
While uploading pictures I had a doubt: if I upload a file named "pdvd_001" for a movie, then (after few weeks/months), I upload a totally different pic always named "pdvd_001" so with the same name, it does not automatically subscribe it right? They continue to be two different file, just with the same name?
Replacement of imageshack
Published 03/10/2013 @ 02:49:09, By atom
If two file names have the same name a number is added by antps script. I have added alot of thumbs named title1.jpg but they are changed to title1.2.jpg title1.3.jpg etc:
Replacement of imageshack
Published 03/10/2013 @ 03:09:18, By Neon
Thanks, indeed I noticed now that there is a .1 in some pics name
Replacement of imageshack
Published 03/10/2013 @ 10:02:05, By antp
The site checks if the file is the same: if it is actually the same file (name + contents) that you re-upload, it gives you the original name (link to the one already stored) to avoid duplicates.
If it is a different one it appends a number as Atom said.
Latest Edition: 03/10/2013 @ 10:03:18
If it is a different one it appends a number as Atom said.
Latest Edition: 03/10/2013 @ 10:03:18
Replacement of imageshack
Published 05/11/2013 @ 01:20:46, By Ddey65
Well, here's some worse news; ImageShack is saying they're dumping Anonymous Users TODAY! I won't be able to recover any of the images I posted in the forum, and I have no way of reposting them with the upload tool!
Replacement of imageshack
Published 05/11/2013 @ 11:16:38, By antp
For the forum any other site can be used, e.g
But for the forum it is less a problem if pics are lost, since it is usually used for long-term reference
(except maybe posts about how to identify some makes/models)
But for the forum it is less a problem if pics are lost, since it is usually used for long-term reference
(except maybe posts about how to identify some makes/models)
Replacement of imageshack
Published 06/11/2013 @ 01:58:05, By night cub
Flickr has recently expanded the available space to 1 Tetrabyte per user, so I started using it again. (It used to only show the last 200 uploaded pics only)
Replacement of imageshack
Published 23/11/2013 @ 19:35:34, By antp
New list, not much change in the top:
14239 Lateef
13303 Jale
11451 Sandie
7701 karoomay
7031 kegare
6228 antp
6144 stronghold
5715 night cub
5536 Alessandro58
4682 Taco
4330 galloper
4008 police car fan
3665 Weasel1984
3327 dsl
3267 atom
3129 Robi
2566 S 415 GT
2552 andrepa
2396 mike962
2387 opal
2367 Neon
2360 owlman
2324 vilero
2276 G-MANN
2129 ElSaxo
2106 m.pfaffeneder
2082 sixcyl
1933 garco
1926 DidierF
1866 afonso
1812 Raul1983
1760 Khaosth
1739 walter
1584 kudos
1346 chicomarx
1272 tv boy
1269 blue_thunder
1234 achiu31
965 I-Denev
910 Love Krittaya
887 CarChecker
712 Bobjork
618 rtsbusman1997
615 badlymad
557 DarkBaron
555 coopey
543 boys_bible
489 rockstarnorth225
476 cibup
473 skywatcher68
14239 Lateef
13303 Jale
11451 Sandie
7701 karoomay
7031 kegare
6228 antp
6144 stronghold
5715 night cub
5536 Alessandro58
4682 Taco
4330 galloper
4008 police car fan
3665 Weasel1984
3327 dsl
3267 atom
3129 Robi
2566 S 415 GT
2552 andrepa
2396 mike962
2387 opal
2367 Neon
2360 owlman
2324 vilero
2276 G-MANN
2129 ElSaxo
2106 m.pfaffeneder
2082 sixcyl
1933 garco
1926 DidierF
1866 afonso
1812 Raul1983
1760 Khaosth
1739 walter
1584 kudos
1346 chicomarx
1272 tv boy
1269 blue_thunder
1234 achiu31
965 I-Denev
910 Love Krittaya
887 CarChecker
712 Bobjork
618 rtsbusman1997
615 badlymad
557 DarkBaron
555 coopey
543 boys_bible
489 rockstarnorth225
476 cibup
473 skywatcher68
Replacement of imageshack
Published 20/05/2014 @ 17:06:33, By G-MANN
This may have been the case for a while but now Imageshack requires a premium account to upload images. So that site's dead to me now (I've over 10,000 images still stored on it but I have no reason to sift through them) I've used photobucket and Imagebam whenever I've wanted to show someone an image on other forums.
Replacement of imageshack
Published 20/05/2014 @ 18:23:48, By antp
Yes, I haven't used imageshack since long time.
flickr is good for pictures one wants to keep and organize.
imgur is fine as quick hosting solution (I usually use that one outside imcdb).
flickr is good for pictures one wants to keep and organize.
imgur is fine as quick hosting solution (I usually use that one outside imcdb).
Replacement of imageshack
Published 14/07/2014 @ 14:38:46, By antp
update of the list:
18774 Lateef
17004 Jale
11696 Sandie
11269 galloper
8606 antp
8530 karoomay
7915 police car fan
7822 kegare
7530 night cub
7525 Alessandro58
6136 stronghold
5852 Robi
5678 Taco
5405 dsl
4786 Weasel1984
3811 mike962
3478 atom
3270 S 415 GT
3089 ElSaxo
2995 owlman
2990 m.pfaffeneder
2968 Neon
2937 DidierF
2807 opal
2794 andrepa
2642 sixcyl
2635 G-MANN
2349 I-Denev
2324 vilero
2162 Raul1983
1999 walter
1981 garco
1977 chicomarx
1920 afonso
1836 kudos
1813 Khaosth
1587 blue_thunder
1350 achiu31
1272 tv boy
1129 cibup
1115 Love Krittaya
1053 CarChecker
1036 rockstarnorth225
Jale & Lateef continue to fill the server
galloper is progressing in the list, also by posting too many pics...
Latest Edition: 14/07/2014 @ 14:40:05
18774 Lateef
17004 Jale
11696 Sandie
11269 galloper
8606 antp
8530 karoomay
7915 police car fan
7822 kegare
7530 night cub
7525 Alessandro58
6136 stronghold
5852 Robi
5678 Taco
5405 dsl
4786 Weasel1984
3811 mike962
3478 atom
3270 S 415 GT
3089 ElSaxo
2995 owlman
2990 m.pfaffeneder
2968 Neon
2937 DidierF
2807 opal
2794 andrepa
2642 sixcyl
2635 G-MANN
2349 I-Denev
2324 vilero
2162 Raul1983
1999 walter
1981 garco
1977 chicomarx
1920 afonso
1836 kudos
1813 Khaosth
1587 blue_thunder
1350 achiu31
1272 tv boy
1129 cibup
1115 Love Krittaya
1053 CarChecker
1036 rockstarnorth225
Jale & Lateef continue to fill the server

galloper is progressing in the list, also by posting too many pics...
Latest Edition: 14/07/2014 @ 14:40:05
Replacement of imageshack
Published 03/10/2014 @ 22:28:55, By antp
21181 Lateef
17558 Jale
14178 galloper
11823 Sandie
9677 antp
9346 police car fan
8690 karoomay
8663 night cub
8270 Alessandro58
7973 kegare
7254 dsl
6135 stronghold
5942 Robi
5824 Taco
5195 Weasel1984
4041 mike962
3994 ElSaxo
3862 DidierF
3728 atom
3337 S 415 GT
3055 opal
3048 Neon
2995 owlman
2989 m.pfaffeneder
2814 andrepa
2722 I-Denev
2683 sixcyl
2655 G-MANN
2324 vilero
2261 Raul1983
2174 kudos
2079 walter
2073 chicomarx
1984 afonso
1983 garco
1797 Khaosth
1615 blue_thunder
1390 cibup
1386 rockstarnorth225
1363 achiu31
1272 tv boy
1259 Purzel89
1229 CarChecker
1154 Love Krittaya
Jale didn't post much in the last months it seems
Latest Edition: 03/10/2014 @ 22:30:13
21181 Lateef
17558 Jale
14178 galloper
11823 Sandie
9677 antp
9346 police car fan
8690 karoomay
8663 night cub
8270 Alessandro58
7973 kegare
7254 dsl
6135 stronghold
5942 Robi
5824 Taco
5195 Weasel1984
4041 mike962
3994 ElSaxo
3862 DidierF
3728 atom
3337 S 415 GT
3055 opal
3048 Neon
2995 owlman
2989 m.pfaffeneder
2814 andrepa
2722 I-Denev
2683 sixcyl
2655 G-MANN
2324 vilero
2261 Raul1983
2174 kudos
2079 walter
2073 chicomarx
1984 afonso
1983 garco
1797 Khaosth
1615 blue_thunder
1390 cibup
1386 rockstarnorth225
1363 achiu31
1272 tv boy
1259 Purzel89
1229 CarChecker
1154 Love Krittaya
Jale didn't post much in the last months it seems

Latest Edition: 03/10/2014 @ 22:30:13
Replacement of imageshack
Published 05/10/2014 @ 23:23:55, By antp
I included only those who had more than 1000 pics on the server
(many of those you upload are for replacement and so are deleted once used)
Note that it is not a competition
(many of those you upload are for replacement and so are deleted once used)
Note that it is not a competition

Replacement of imageshack
Published 20/08/2016 @ 12:05:30, By Lateef
I've noticed a bug (I think) - whenever I name a thumbnail 'ad', which I used to do for some Audis, they turn out invisible:
Now, I know the images exist, as when editing the comment and copying the filename of the image takes me to the image in question:
If the bug is not solvable, I might want to rename those concerned, as there aren't that many. I'm just interested in what might have caused this bug - as it's obviously something recent (I didn't notice when I posted the thumbs initially).
Now, I know the images exist, as when editing the comment and copying the filename of the image takes me to the image in question:
If the bug is not solvable, I might want to rename those concerned, as there aren't that many. I'm just interested in what might have caused this bug - as it's obviously something recent (I didn't notice when I posted the thumbs initially).
Replacement of imageshack
Published 20/08/2016 @ 16:56:46, By Lateef
Okay, bizarre idea... but might it have something to do with adblock?
EDIT: it must be, because I see the thumbs when I'm on my iPhone... False alarm, folks!
Latest Edition: 20/08/2016 @ 17:19:33
EDIT: it must be, because I see the thumbs when I'm on my iPhone... False alarm, folks!
Latest Edition: 20/08/2016 @ 17:19:33
Replacement of imageshack
Published 21/08/2016 @ 10:58:29, By antp
Yes that's because you block ads. Solution: unblock ads on IMCDb
Problem is that it may also be blocked for other people then.
If you wish to "rename" them you can simply re-upload them under another name, the old ones will be deleted when I do the clean of unused files every few months.

Problem is that it may also be blocked for other people then.
If you wish to "rename" them you can simply re-upload them under another name, the old ones will be deleted when I do the clean of unused files every few months.
Replacement of imageshack
Published 30/10/2016 @ 14:43:36, By Lateef
I have a problem. I would like to replace the mainpic of with - but whenever I do, I get a message saying "picture has been sent successfully", and it's the same old picture.