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BbCode in IMCDb
Published 20/03/2014 @ 01:37:07, By eLMeR
Hello Folks!

I assume most of you know these codes. But it seems some people don't, so this topic may be useful as a kind of reminder...
I didn't find any ref about it in the forum, and the only one in the main site is "You can use BBCode to format your message, insert links and pictures", which is a little... concise :smile:
So I tried a lot of things and now I can say that these BbCode tags are the only ones that work in the main site:
To have some italic words:
  1. [i]text[/i]

To have some bold writting:
  1. [b]text[/b]

To underline a part of your text:
  1. [u]text[/u]

To insert a distant picture:
  1. [img]url-of-the-picture[/img]

To insert a link: (Not really useful, as the website scripts do it automatically)
  1. [url]url-of-the-link[/url]

To insert an hypertext link:
This is a wonderful website.
  1. [url=url-of-the-webpage]text[/url]

Mix of the two above: to insert a "clickable" picture:
  1. [url=url-of-the-webpage][img]url-of-the-picture[/img][/url]

To hide some part of a text :smile:

  1. [spoiler]text[/spoiler]

For quotes without the author's name.

  1. [quote]text[/quote]

Quote From: "John Doe"
For quotes with the author's name.

  1. [quote="author"]text[/quote]

Ok, I should have just ask Antoine for that list. But I like to play with code test things :grin:
Did I forget something, Ô Master of the Jedi Masters?


Maybe some of the following other bbCode tags should be included in IMCDb?

(Sorry for the word "spoiler", but it can't be changed...
I just wanted to have this part aside, as it is not really useful for the schmilblick :smile: )

I also tried these tags, but they don't work:
  1. [table][row][col]a[/col][col]b[/col][/row][row][col]c[/col][col]d[/col][/row][/t- able]

Could be useful to have a somewhat clean display with small pictures that don't match in width or height. Like in the good old "table-formated webpages" time :smile:

  1. [img width={width} height={height}]url-of-the-picture[/img
  2. or 
  3. [img={width}x{height}]url-of-the-picture[/img]

To force the width and the height of a picture. Don't work in the forum either :smile:
Could be useful to put a large distant picture of a vehicle, without having to download it, then resize it and finally insert it as a pic

  1. [list][item]Part of the list[/item][item]Other part of the list[/item][/list]

(and some variants, but all with the same result)
  1. Part of the list
  2. Other part of the list

  1. text[sup]2[/sup]


  1. text[sup]2[/sup]


  1. [size=10]Small writing[/size] // [size=20]Large writing[/size]

Small writing // Large writing

  1. [s]text[/s] or [strike]text[/strike]


  1. [align=center]text[/align] or [center]test[/center]


  1. [align=right]text[/alignr


  1. [color=red]test[/color]


  1. [code]test[/code]

With this one, the website scripts cannot "translate" BbCode given as examples

  1. [email]somebody@domain.tld[/email] or [email=somebody@domain.tld]Some text there[/email]

somebody@domain.tld // Contact us

Latest Edition: 20/03/2014 @ 03:12:16
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BbCode in IMCDb
Published 20/03/2014 @ 12:10:05, By antp

To insert a link: (Not really useful, as the website scripts do it automatically)

It is actually useful for links which end by a parenthesis (often Wikipedia links), as the ending parenthesis isn't kept in the link (to avoid problems when posting a link between parenthesis)

Additional existing tags :

[pic=xyz] (previously "thumb" instead of "pic") to display a clickable thumbnail image of another vehicle, where xyz is the number of that other vehicle.
or [fullpic=xyz] for the full pic instead of a thumbnail (should be used only for small pics, as it is suggested by the site only for these)

[*] to display the yellow star used for role ratings

[flag=xy] to display a country flag, where xy is the two-letter country code

Latest Edition: 20/03/2014 @ 15:36:30
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BbCode in IMCDb
Published 22/03/2014 @ 00:32:25, By eLMeR
Thanks for the additional information. I focused on the "official" tags, so I forgot the IMCDb "hand-made" ones :smile:
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BbCode in IMCDb
Published 01/06/2014 @ 02:23:58, By Ddey65
These codes aren't working on my user page for some strange reason.
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BbCode in IMCDb
Published 01/06/2014 @ 13:38:00, By antp
Because they are disabled when the comment posts are too big.
In user profiles it is less a problem, as these pages are less often seen.
I fixed it for that page, it works now.
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BbCode in IMCDb
Published 01/06/2014 @ 21:52:54, By rjluna2
Thanks for the subscript, superscript and country flag BBCode information, Antoine :smile:

I do try to use some of the smiley codes at imcdb page from here as well. I assumed that you do have more than 36 pages of smiley code listed here :wink:

Latest Edition: 01/06/2014 @ 21:53:26
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