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Movie Name Change
Published 07/02/2015 @ 23:41:26, By tngjstn
I was working on a page for Uchû Daisensô (1959) but being a new user, I entered in "Uchū Daisensō." Now this movie does not appear in the search engine. Can someone please change the name to Uchû Daisensô?
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Movie Name Change
Published 07/02/2015 @ 23:49:28, By antp
I updated the name :wink:
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Movie Name Change
Published 08/02/2015 @ 00:33:06, By tngjstn
Also known as "Battle In Outer Space."
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Movie Name Change
Published 08/02/2015 @ 05:31:42, By Ddey65
Cool. While you're at it, could you correct the year of a movie? Evidently "A Sort of Homecoming" still hasn't been released yet:
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