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Picture Replacement/Page Updates
Published 06/07/2022 @ 14:46:51, By rjluna2
Could one update this page:
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Picture Replacement/Page Updates
Published 06/07/2022 @ 14:52:33, By antp
here is new pictures Replace main picture updates please.

Done, thanks.

You can also post additional captures of cars in comments if you want. You were not forced to delete the other ones that were not used for replacement :wink:
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Picture Replacement/Page Updates
Published 07/07/2022 @ 15:19:01, By rjluna2
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Picture Replacement/Page Updates
Published 24/07/2022 @ 18:06:49, By rjluna2
Please modify the episode number to 4.20 for the main page:
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Picture Replacement/Page Updates
Published 03/08/2022 @ 06:36:25, By PMEntertainmentLives
Hope I'm doing it right this time. (ETA: Of course not. :lol: )
Main captures need updating. I've put new HD caps in the comments for each vehicle.

Latest Edition: 03/08/2022 @ 06:48:59
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Picture Replacement/Page Updates
Published 06/08/2022 @ 18:18:05, By rjluna2
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Picture Replacement/Page Updates
Published 08/08/2022 @ 21:15:50, By walter.
I remember having skipped them when replacing the whole bunch of pictures as they're not better than the current ones.
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Picture Replacement/Page Updates
Published 16/08/2022 @ 16:17:57, By ChaserX
I have 2 vehicles for Confession (Jo-Eun-Chin-Goo-Deul) that haven't had their pics replaced yet.

And please modify the vehicle model year
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Picture Replacement/Page Updates
Published 16/08/2022 @ 21:06:50, By night cub
It makes no sense to replace pictures that don't need replacing. Unless you have a better angle/view of a car, why send a replacement pic that is the same exact picture of an already HD pic? If a picture is already posted over 720px and you have the same exact frame, leave it alone. You just causing more work for the admins.
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Picture Replacement/Page Updates
Published 17/08/2022 @ 08:10:44, By antp
The pictures were maybe slightly better, but indeed not really worth the work of replacing them, so for the next ones better skip such cases.

Latest Edition: 17/08/2022 @ 08:10:55
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Picture Replacement/Page Updates
Published 28/09/2022 @ 15:52:09, By ChaserX
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Picture Replacement/Page Updates
Published 30/10/2022 @ 05:34:07, By ChaserX
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Picture Replacement/Page Updates
Published 31/10/2022 @ 14:59:33, By JB007
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Picture Replacement/Page Updates
Published 14/11/2022 @ 02:11:58, By ChaserX
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