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Published 02/08/2024 @ 07:34:59, By night cub
One other thing I noticed that is specific to the validators, when Terra updated the film Cyberbully, with both updated pics (our first guinea pig) and some new ones, the title is listed at the top of the Validating list, even though it was added last.

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Published 02/08/2024 @ 10:06:30, By antp
For the delete error, I'll check this evening, something I changed in one place but forgot to update in another I suppose.
For the sort order of new contributions, I'll check too, maybe just the order that is inverted compared to before.
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Published 02/08/2024 @ 19:25:43, By antp
Fixed the deleted error.
I also changed the sorting for the pending contributions; it does not change anything to the current list, but maybe it is a coincidence because pending images are older than the pending vehicles?
Otherwise I'll have to investigate more.
edit: no, it changes, when I copy the new file correctly :lol:

Latest Edition: 02/08/2024 @ 19:27:35
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Published 04/08/2024 @ 02:26:05, By night cub
Just found a weird bug, chucknorrisfan added a movie without the IMDB number, and then provided one in the comments. I changed the number, and now the film is not showing up on the validation list, and there is no validation message on the title page,

You can see the pics are there, awaiting validation, but not showing up on the list.

I'll leave it alone until you see it.
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Published 04/08/2024 @ 11:17:46, By antp
Indeed, I fixed it in the database for that one, I'll fix the bug for the next ones
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Published 04/08/2024 @ 16:57:40, By walter.
It's happening the same with that one:
There is a picture pending approval but it's not in the new contributions list anymore after adding the missing IMDB number page.

Edit: it appeared again when the uploader added another entry, but the first picture that has been uploaded is not included in the new contributions number.

Latest Edition: 04/08/2024 @ 17:04:36
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Published 04/08/2024 @ 17:52:07, By dsl
Different comment in passing - updating/replacing existing pictures has suddenly become much more straightforward. Only a minor detail but
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Published 04/08/2024 @ 20:42:32, By antp
It's happening the same with that one:
There is a picture pending approval but it's not in the new contributions list anymore after adding the missing IMDB number page.

Edit: it appeared again when the uploader added another entry, but the first picture that has been uploaded is not included in the new contributions number.

I think it is the same issue. There are two "ghost" movie with pending vehicles.
It is possible that these two had their ID changed, or they were pending before the update of the site was applied (and there was a bug somewhere). That one must be one of them.
For these, the vehicles are linked to the old movie number, maybe there has been an issue while changing the number?
The Hino Dutro is listed twice in the database, but only one is visible, I guess that Ufa re-uploaded it.
I'll fix all that tomorrow, and recover the invisible vehicles, I don't have time right now :wink:

Latest Edition: 04/08/2024 @ 20:46:21
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Published 11/08/2024 @ 22:39:31, By night cub
Having an issue opening a documentary for vehicles. Getting this message:

Management: Vehicle and pictures validation
Warning: Undefined variable $db in /var/www/imcdb/validate.php on line 69 Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function query() on null in /var/www/imcdb/validate.php:69 Stack trace: #0 {main} thrown in /var/www/imcdb/validate.php on line 69
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Published 12/08/2024 @ 02:31:34, By antp
Thanks, I'll fix that next week, in the meantime you can open it by using the edit movie page: there is a drop down field to change its status.

edit: fixed

Latest Edition: 18/08/2024 @ 10:30:50
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Published 27/09/2024 @ 18:04:45, By antp
Some minor changes, mostly internal optimization, and addition of a profile delete request link.
If you saw error for a brief moment just now and that it vanished when refreshing, it may be due to the fact that I was uploading new files, and you loaded a page just in the middle of that.
Please report any persistent error that you notice (for example if a label is not displayed properly on one of the pages, as these were one of the things modified).

Latest Edition: 27/09/2024 @ 18:06:56
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Published 01/10/2024 @ 03:08:34, By dhill_cb7
I see an error. Not sure if it is related to the change. 2&make=&modelMatch=1&model=astravan&modelInclModel=on&modelInclChassis=on&mk=&origin=- &madein=&madefor=&role=

Note the MK1 & 2 are numbers while 3 and 4 are roman numerals? Is there a reason for this or a slight oversight in coding?

Edit: now I see why. I believe the discrepancy comes from Bedford vs Vauxhall. Not sure now if a change is warranted.

Latest Edition: 01/10/2024 @ 03:10:01
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Published 01/10/2024 @ 06:58:55, By antp
Indeed Bedford is set to use regular numbers and Vauxhall roman numbers.
I could make Bedford use roman numbers just for the Astravan, if that looks better :grin:
edit: done

Latest Edition: 01/10/2024 @ 07:01:17
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Published 01/10/2024 @ 20:16:04, By dhill_cb7
Thanks antp :wink:
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Published 01/10/2024 @ 22:24:46, By Iamabiglover
Excuse me, but I would like someone or you to unlock and/or unblock adding vehicles so that administrators can add detailed vehicles to the internet. Could you please unlock the movie entry? Look here:
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Published 02/10/2024 @ 03:22:52, By ZENITHVISCOGODEI
i dont even know how to become a picture provider
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Published 02/10/2024 @ 07:08:40, By antp
Could you please unlock the movie entry? Look here:

I assume it was locked because vehicles in it were too generic, cf all what is posted in comments. So if you want to add something, post it in the comments, and if it is really worth listing an admin can make the vehicle page for it.

i dont even know how to become a picture provider

Originally all accounts can provide pictures, but some lose that right when they add illegal content and/or when adding stuff that should not be on the site.
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Published 23/12/2024 @ 18:21:22, By 3loader
Is there a snow option on the new version?
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Published 24/12/2024 @ 10:24:56, By antp
Indeed, I forgot! :grin:
It is now enabled

Latest Edition: 24/12/2024 @ 15:09:16
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Published 24/12/2024 @ 14:30:45, By 3loader
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Published 29/12/2024 @ 16:54:23, By antp
Today's update: improving the site on mobile devices (smartphones and small tablets)

I hope it will work fine on all devices, as it is often painful to get it correct on the various hardware & software. Especially the old iphones with an outdated Safari.
It is not yet perfect, but I think it is already much more useable.

To keep the well-loved outdated retro theme unchanged on desktop, I relied on CSS to change the layout only for mobiles, and with a few javascript to move all the account/management/admin links into a "hamburger" menu in the top right corner.

So all the links appearing between [ ] in the title bars of the desktop version of the site), including the login link, can be found in that new menu.

Known issue that will stay:
- if you switch between compact/mobile and regular view (by resizing the window or turning the device), the content of the "hamburger" menu (in the corner) is not properly updated. Reloading the page solves the issue.

Known issues to be improved:
- the pages where lists with columns are displayed are not yet optimized, I'll see what I can do
- comments view could still be improved, but should already be better than before.

If you prefer to have the old/desktop style on mobile, it should still work if you enable the option "desktop version" (or something like that) in the menu of your mobile browser.

The snow effect of the header is not enabled on mobile, as I guess it is even less useful there.

Latest Edition: 29/12/2024 @ 17:00:04
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