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Published 15/03/2025 @ 10:26:16, By antp
A few new small changes were published on the site:
- Adding a new movie is not different for admins and non-admins: the non-admins have a page with several steps, making more clear what is expected depending on the entry type.
- Cleaner handling and displaying errors when they occur.
- Fix an issue when coming back to the comments list after editing
- A small link/checkbox at the bottom right of the picture to make it brighter just for you temporarily. So people don't have to edit them off-site just to see better the contents of dark scenes (and no need to post the lightened version in comments either).
- Fixed an issue when resizing pictures to a different ratio
- Small fixes on login page

I hope there aren't bugs left, please report any unusual behavior or error message that you encounter.

Latest Edition: 15/03/2025 @ 10:43:49

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Published 15/03/2025 @ 12:35:03, By dsl
I like the brightbox - will be useful,
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Published 15/03/2025 @ 13:00:01, By atom
Yes, the brightbox is a nice addition!
There's some code visible when I check my own comments.

Edit: Same when searching for comments.

Latest Edition: 15/03/2025 @ 13:02:52
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Published 15/03/2025 @ 16:46:25, By Sandrius
Very sad :sad: Why you make adding a new movie page with several steps? It's much worse :sad:
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Published 15/03/2025 @ 19:10:05, By antp
It is to make it easier for new users.
One does not add so many new movies per day, so it should not be so much a problem if it takes a little more time.
It is to avoid contributions that are difficult to validate later, due to lack of information, or that we have to reject.

@atom > some debug into that I forgot :grin: I'll fix that soon
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Published 15/03/2025 @ 22:01:44, By 48bux
Thank you for the brightbox, really useful addition!
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Published 16/03/2025 @ 04:56:52, By Baube
brightbox : i'll let Caius Bonus express my thoughts.. :grin:
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Published 16/03/2025 @ 16:41:41, By Truck_Guy
Another appreciation post for the brightbox! It's invaluable, IMO. :thumbs:
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Published 16/03/2025 @ 17:00:51, By antp
I don't know why I didn't think about it before, it was quite easy to add :smile:
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Published 18/03/2025 @ 18:31:20, By night cub
I feel like I was the only one to test it out before it went live. Glad to see the brightbox is a hit!
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