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Mass change model info thread
Published 19/03/2025 @ 19:58:38, By MisterZ

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Mass change model info thread
Published 20/03/2025 @ 17:33:03, By antp
What about the 2010 + the three without year?
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Mass change model info thread
Published 20/03/2025 @ 18:02:12, By MisterZ
Sorry please disregard above, as the trim level changed in 2016, we can't assume that all 2015 are GLS. I'll go through them manually instead.
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Mass change model info thread
Published 21/03/2025 @ 03:48:27, By Baube
fixed Accent & R-Class , 7 pages is too much of a Fiesta for me tonight.. :whistle:
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Mass change model info thread
Published 21/03/2025 @ 05:15:05, By MisterZ
Thanks Baube
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Mass change model info thread
Published 21/03/2025 @ 07:05:50, By antp
Add "MkVI" to those without (or remove from those with? As USA & Canada don't use Mk):

For the Ford Focus we used only model years for the North-American models, and mk for the rest of the world. One of the reasons was that the mk2 version was a different car in N-A, but also that indeed N-A does not use much the generation numbers but only model years.

Question for everyone then:
Do we do the same for the Fiesta, as N-A only got the first and sixth?
Or do we label them with mk like the ones of the rest of the world?
(and for any decision, the same should apply to mk1: currently only some have the mk tag)

Latest Edition: 21/03/2025 @ 07:08:16
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Mass change model info thread
Published 21/03/2025 @ 13:58:56, By dsl
Not a strong opinion, but would be tidier if N-A Fiestas followed global Mark system even if only 1st and 6th apply there. Stops us getting a cluster of unspecified Fiestas where no year has been entered.
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Mass change model info thread
Published 21/03/2025 @ 14:59:51, By 48bux
I haven't a definite opinion too because I'm too much accustomed to the Mark system used in Europe, but I understand that using Mks would be maybe weird for American public that only got those two generations. I also see other similar cases, like Focus, Transit/Transit Connect, Saturn Astra etc. doesn't have Mks entered in their American versions.
@dhill_cb7 :hello:
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