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Car videos worth watching :)
Published 23/11/2024 @ 00:19:33, By ingo
Some rarities among the bad driving in Munich 1957 - Rootes crap just in the first scene?

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Car videos worth watching :)
Published 23/11/2024 @ 00:36:39, By dsl
^ didn't spot a Rootes-jewel, but this is Morris Oxford S2 with RHD and Brit plate. And there's a Ford Pop or its German equivalent?
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Car videos worth watching :)
Published 23/11/2024 @ 11:51:18, By ingo
And there's a Ford Pop or its German equivalent?

There was no German derivate, so it's indeed a British made Popular.
Quite rare with German registration (pre-1956 Amerikanisch Bayern 51 = Munich town), as it was never sold here.
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Car videos worth watching :)
Published 06/12/2024 @ 23:35:57, By ingo
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Car videos worth watching :)
Published 21/12/2024 @ 19:51:30, By dsl
80s-90s UK scrapyard pics - . Mostly unremarkable Brit porridge, but a few sad sights - rarest probably an Argenta (they were unicorns over here), also a Coventry factory plate Tagora, Jag XJ-C, a distant Imp and an unhealthy number of Alpines/Solaras including several special editions - no wonder there's hardly any left today.
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Car videos worth watching :)
Published 25/12/2024 @ 01:12:23, By Ddey65
The videos of "Fusion Kidd" are interesting.
This person makes a bunch of videos about the cars and trucks of various TV shows, many of which are sitcoms of the 1960's. Most of the info is based on the data from IMCDb, and it includes AI generated narratives from the stars of each show. So, despite the fact that Elizabeth Hartman and Dick York are both dead, you have voices that sound a lot like them describing the scenes and each related vehicles. Sally Field from "Gidget," and Marlo Thomas from "That Girl" both sound as young as they did when they were on their respected shows. I haven't seen all the videos, but I'm expecting them to be created the same way.
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Car videos worth watching :)
Published 26/12/2024 @ 12:15:07, By ingo
80s-90s UK scrapyard pics - . Mostly unremarkable Brit porridge, but a few sad sights - rarest probably an Argenta (they were unicorns over here), also a Coventry factory plate Tagora, Jag XJ-C, a distant Imp and an unhealthy number of Alpines/Solaras including several special editions - no wonder there's hardly any left today.

At 2:40 a Polonez, at 3:10 a Renault 6 -also fully extinct- and at 3:21 a Datsun 240 Z.
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Car videos worth watching :)
Published 26/12/2024 @ 15:58:32, By ingo
Here some of the pics again, bit with explanation about the junkyard history in UK (many topics are identical in other countries)

Found on this interesting YT-channel for the fans of UK brands

@dsl: the story of Rootes crap:
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Car videos worth watching :)
Published 29/12/2024 @ 01:39:25, By ingo
Bad quality, but historical unique and impossible for the normal people

Western cars at 20:15, 22:32, 24:35, 32:10 and 28:35
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Car videos worth watching :)
Published 15/02/2025 @ 19:05:01, By antp
Evolution of Peugeot 2-series:
And I see that the same exists for many other models:

Latest Edition: 15/02/2025 @ 19:06:29
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Car videos worth watching :)
Published 20/02/2025 @ 01:23:40, By Baube
Nice , also gives a few more ( that probably are on the Instagram page but i can't see as i don't want to register.. ) on the facebook link

At least he is changing them , these were not the ones i saw when i checked the first time

Latest Edition: 20/02/2025 @ 01:25:23
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