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How you can submit pictures
Published 16/08/2008 @ 15:31:11, By antp
Yes, in the batch processing you can include "crop" as transformation and enter coordinates of the area to keep.
How you can submit pictures
Published 27/09/2008 @ 07:38:27, By IRT_BMT_IND
I recently tried to capture some images from a DVD-R that I wanted to submit to another website, and I couldn't even play the damn thing on any computer. Which sucks for me, because IFC is getting ready to play "The Slaughter Rule" on August 8, 2008:
...and if I were able to record it, I might be able to get some images to that Ford Pickup I mentioned, and I'm sure some other vehicles as well.
Of course, if no PC will let me even play a DVD-R, let alone capture images from one, it'd be a wasted effort.
...and if I were able to record it, I might be able to get some images to that Ford Pickup I mentioned, and I'm sure some other vehicles as well.
Of course, if no PC will let me even play a DVD-R, let alone capture images from one, it'd be a wasted effort.
What station did you record the DVD off of, as some cable stations copy protect their programming. If that was the case, only higher end versions of PowerDVD and WinDVD will be able to play the disc.
Latest Edition: 27/09/2008 @ 07:44:12
How you can submit pictures
Published 27/09/2008 @ 19:11:06, By Ddey65
The show in question was an episode of "Providence" which is shown in reruns on "Lifetime-Real Women." I only recorded that so I could get some images of Amy Adams. In the case of "The Slaughter Rule" it was the images of the vehicles I wanted to capture. In any case, PowerDVD and WinDVD have never done jack for me as far as capturing images.
I will say this; I could watch my homemade copy again, just to look for more clues regarding the exact year for that Ford Pickup. But I couldn't send you any images from that unless I either A)Buy my own copy, or B)Find a branch of Blockbuster that has one.
Latest Edition: 17/01/2009 @ 19:16:12
I will say this; I could watch my homemade copy again, just to look for more clues regarding the exact year for that Ford Pickup. But I couldn't send you any images from that unless I either A)Buy my own copy, or B)Find a branch of Blockbuster that has one.
Latest Edition: 17/01/2009 @ 19:16:12
How you can submit pictures
Published 09/11/2008 @ 00:20:59, By Enho
I found some cars from Transporter 1 and I posted them in a new topic !
Latest Edition: 11/11/2008 @ 19:31:03
I found some cars from Transporter 1 and I posted them in a new topic !
Latest Edition: 11/11/2008 @ 19:31:03
How you can submit pictures
Published 09/11/2008 @ 20:37:09, By antp
you should rather create a new topic with these pics
Latest Edition: 09/11/2008 @ 20:37:31
Latest Edition: 09/11/2008 @ 20:37:31
How you can submit pictures
Published 11/11/2008 @ 19:33:19, By Enho
It's done. Thanks

How you can submit pictures
Published 16/12/2008 @ 21:14:13, By 59caddyhog
Hi antp, have I put my submission in the right area? It was the Stormy Monday post. Cheers,Andrew.
Latest Edition: 16/12/2008 @ 21:14:38
Latest Edition: 16/12/2008 @ 21:14:38
How you can submit pictures
Published 16/12/2008 @ 22:24:55, By antp
yes, that's fine
Pictures will be added as soon as an admin has few time
(but as lots of other things are waiting, it may take some time)
Latest Edition: 16/12/2008 @ 22:25:08
yes, that's fine

Pictures will be added as soon as an admin has few time
(but as lots of other things are waiting, it may take some time)
Latest Edition: 16/12/2008 @ 22:25:08
How you can submit pictures
Published 21/01/2009 @ 18:58:03, By zoomieviper2
also a Dodge Viper GTS 2000 in TV show Jonny Zero - ????? street drug money scene... anyone confirm this ???
Jonny sells his Viper GTS ( replacement for his shot-up Chevelle SS) to a street seller for a bag of cash.. new owner does a hard burnout with his new Viper
Jonny sells his Viper GTS ( replacement for his shot-up Chevelle SS) to a street seller for a bag of cash.. new owner does a hard burnout with his new Viper
How you can submit pictures
Published 24/05/2009 @ 18:40:00, By Love Krittaya
Can I submit pictures captured from VCD?
How you can submit pictures
Published 24/05/2009 @ 22:25:34, By antp
Sure, even if the quality isn't great with such pictures, it is better than nothing if the movie is not yet listed.
How you can submit pictures
Published 06/06/2009 @ 15:12:00, By Raul1983
I don't know where to post this but I've had some trouble with the VLC player. For some reason the newest updates of VLC (0.9.8 and 0.9.9) do not want to play region 1 DVD's. There is a bug of some sort. I recommend using version 0.8.6h. Do not use version 0.8.6i because there is a bug in snapshot function and the program crashes every time.
Here is a website which has all the VLC versions for download:
Here is a website which has all the VLC versions for download:
How you can submit pictures
Published 07/06/2009 @ 09:38:29, By antp
Some may also want to test the 1.0 RC release, as now it allows immediate pause and frame-by-frame move, which is good to find the best shot of a car (one of the reasons why I was using MPC-HC & WinDVD rather than VLC)
How you can submit pictures
Published 06/08/2011 @ 17:15:10, By Raul1983
I'm using the Media Player Classic for the first time now. The problem is that when I do captures it doesn't save the exact picture I want to. It jumps a bit forward or backwards when saving picture and it's very annoying. Does someone know how to fix this problem ?
How you can submit pictures
Published 06/08/2011 @ 20:10:31, By antp
Strange... but maybe rather try the "Home Cinema" version of the program, it is more recent, they may have fixed some problems.
How you can submit pictures
Published 07/08/2011 @ 14:08:51, By Raul1983
I have the home cinema version...
How you can submit pictures
Published 07/08/2011 @ 15:06:32, By antp
Strange, I never had such problem. I often do frame-by-frame moving to capture exactly what I want.
What source is it? a file, a DVD or a blu-ray?
What option is chosen in the Options window, in Playback -> Output -> DirectShow Video?
What source is it? a file, a DVD or a blu-ray?
What option is chosen in the Options window, in Playback -> Output -> DirectShow Video?
How you can submit pictures
Published 19/08/2018 @ 14:21:16, By Ddey65
I know this is an incredibly old topic, but as of this writing, I can only submit pictures from movies on DVD, and only through an older version of the VLC player, and an older version of PicPick. No Netflix, Amazon videos, or even iTunes. I can't even play iTunes files on other formats like QuickTime anymore. Why? Because back in May 2018, Microsoft gave me a shitty update that took away my ability to do all things I used to be able to do before, including going online. My local cable-TV provider fixed the latter problem for me, and sent me Microsoft's number. After a couple of months, I finally called them up, and they put me through six phone calls in three days of adding on programs that never worked. Often they told me I should work with Apple if I wanted to solve my iTunes issue, but it was Microsoft that screwed things up for me.
So from now on, I'm going to have a ton of problems submitting car pictures or any others unless they're from a DVD.
So from now on, I'm going to have a ton of problems submitting car pictures or any others unless they're from a DVD.

How you can submit pictures
Published 19/08/2018 @ 14:42:01, By antp
I suppose that your problem with Netflix and other streaming is a problem with capturing the screen?
But then for VLC you can just use the capture function of the program, so I don't really see how it is related
But then for VLC you can just use the capture function of the program, so I don't really see how it is related

How you can submit pictures
Published 19/08/2018 @ 17:55:46, By Ddey65
Only their DVD's. VLC does nothing to help me capture anything on Netflix or Amazon.