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Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 14/05/2010 @ 17:37:43, By ford_guy
Would it be possible to change "Plane" to "Aircraft" or is that too late now? Anyhow, for most of the movies I have added to IMCDb I have made captures of aircraft, so I can just send those over to your page later on :wink:

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Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 14/05/2010 @ 17:45:16, By owlman
Cool! The name is OK. This site uses Car in the name when it would be more correct to use Vehicle, and IMDb uses Movie when it really lists films & tv shows (although at the moment I can't think of a better word for that).
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Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 14/05/2010 @ 20:19:15, By RockRacer
Nice, some members will probably want to contribute to that project :wink:
If you wish, I'll add a link at the top right corner of imcdb pages like I did for igcd. Do you have an image of approx the same size? (88x31, or at least not more in height)
That would be awesome Antoine. I am more than happy to do the same for IMCDb as well on our page. I assigned the CAO to work on something that would fit that criteria. He is the one responsible for the logos and server related items. I am not good with those things.

Would it be possible to change "Plane" to "Aircraft" or is that too late now? Anyhow, for most of the movies I have added to IMCDb I have made captures of aircraft, so I can just send those over to your page later on :wink:

I just looked up IMADb. That's why I didn't go with "Aircraft". It was unavailable. I wanted to stay with the IMDb theme. (I have a few database sites going)

Latest Edition: 14/05/2010 @ 20:35:55
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Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 17/05/2010 @ 12:20:37, By RockRacer
I dropped you an email Antoine. Let me know what you think.
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Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 18/05/2010 @ 02:40:38, By Rola
First of all, I'm all for the aircraft database, since I'm WW1-WW2 plane buff. I'll gladly contribute when such database goes online. Unfortunately I have only minimal database experience. But despite that and the fact that I'm new here it won't hurt if you read my suggestions.

Yeah, it would be nice to be able to catalogue more than just cars and planes. But let's limit ourselves a bit. Otherwise we may end up with a task too big for our capabilities.

While I didn't create any online database from scratch myself, I do know a bit how they work. Putting planes, cars and boats into one would be messy. Some fields would work nicely for cars, but would have to be turned off for trains etc.

I'd say create separate databases taking imcdb as the starting point.
(I don't want to rain on your parade, RockRacer, but I really love the way imcdb works and I dislike wikis. Nothing personal here.)

suggestions for Internet Movie Aircraft Database ( is free! :grin: ) :
* create another field: registration, it's crucial for identification - I can point you to whole listings, so if you can see letters on a plane, you can usually pin-point the make/model to the tiniest detail.
* please include not only fixed-wing planes or helicopters, but also gliders, balloons and airships (those huge cucumber-thingies :grin: ). These also bear ID letters. Not sure about rockets (rare sight), in the worst case only real spacecraft (like Space Shuttle or Buran, no TIE Fighters please, I love them too, but still...).
* just as we have "importance" tags (stars), add "real a/c", "real a/c + model/CGI", "model/CGI only", "status unknown" - as much as I hate adding models (I'm more into "planespotting" than indexing anything on-screen), filmmakers often have to cheat with such expensive things as planes
* we can't live without warplanes - we won't get away without Soviet birds. There should be a field for NATO reporting names.

suggestions for Internet Movie Railway Database:
* please include not only railway engines (steam, diesel, electric etc.), but also street trams, railcars, subway trains. Railroad cars/wagons (ie: those being pulled) should be OK as well.
* remember that trains should also get own special database fields, like wheel arrangement - when clicked it should list all other engines with such arrangement (from various other manufacturers/users)
* maybe not as important as with planes, but adding a field for numbers IDing given loco would be nice (these are often in plain sight, usually coupled with engine model ID)

suggestions for Internet Movie Vessel Database:
* I guess the manufacturer is of lesser importance here (today many shipyards contribute to a single submarine, for example), while #1 should be the class of a ship
* similar to aircraft db, there should be a field for NATO reporting names.

There will be problems regarding licensed production etc. just like with said tanks. Think of shared production during WW2 (Grumman F4F / General Motors FM-1 "Wildcat" anyone? nearly identical) or company merges (remember when F-16 "Fighting Falcon" was from General Dynamics? now it's Lockheed Martin). I can give similar example with locos: old Prussian & Austrian steam engines received different designations/numbering in post-WW1 Poland.

Maybe you could later create a portal-like site that would bring those databases together - say, "switch to IMCDb from IMTDb" button. Of course in ideal world all those databases would be on same server, user and movie listing would be common and only the huge db files for cars/trains/planes would be separate. I know that at least in theory databases can share/import data this way, but probably it must be a pain to technically implement it :grin:

I hope I didn't bore you to death, but it's better to consider those things before rather than do the arduous fixing after the database structure is made.

Latest Edition: 18/05/2010 @ 02:45:54
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Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 18/05/2010 @ 06:54:01, By RockRacer
Thanks for the suggestions Rola. Opinions and suggestions are always welcome. I personally have no desire to start anymore database sites on top of my plane, radio, and motorcycle ones. With those, kids, and career, I have plenty on my plate. The others sound like great ideas though.

Since you state you are all for an aircraft database and would gladly contribute when one goes up, I want to personally invite you to create an account and participate on I was unclear if you realized that there has been one online for several months now, which of course is free.

I agree, using the word "Aircraft" in the title would have been better, but it just didn't happen. The site is still the same however and will be covering all real man-made flying objects. I haven't come up with solid guidelines as of yet, but will soon with help from the senior members.

I am sorry if there are some that don't like the wiki format or other things about the site. I won't be able to please everyone. If someone has an interest in aircraft, I hope they can look past things like the chosen format. Nothing is set in stone of course. If I decide to make, even a large change, it will be a good amount of work, but that is something I will have to deal with if and when the time comes.
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Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 18/05/2010 @ 09:59:39, By stronghold
Hello Rockracer.
I'm afraid I haven't the time to contribute to your site also (I'm having trouble as it is to add movies recently to the IMCDb.!)
Over the years, i've always added Aircraft, Ships, Trains etc... to my comments of each movie/tv series. (Added some today ..The movie "The Big Blockade")
If you or anyone else wishes to go through all my 2000+ contributions, i'm sure you'll find 100's of Aircraft/helicopters/airships for your site.
I've no problem with you using the captures (I guess as long as it's ok with antp and as long as credit is given to the source of the pictures ..IMCDb)
Good luck! :wink:
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Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 18/05/2010 @ 11:27:19, By antp
For me it is not a problem that plane captures from imcdb are used on impdb, as these planes are not really "official contents" of imcdb.
It does not hurt to put a link back to imcdb movie page (and in the other way too: put a link to impdb on the imcdb comments page) but it is not mandatory :wink:
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Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 18/05/2010 @ 12:06:24, By RockRacer
Hello Rockracer.
I'm afraid I haven't the time to contribute to your site also (I'm having trouble as it is to add movies recently to the IMCDb.!)
Over the years, i've always added Aircraft, Ships, Trains etc... to my comments of each movie/tv series. (Added some today ..The movie "The Big Blockade")
If you or anyone else wishes to go through all my 2000+ contributions, i'm sure you'll find 100's of Aircraft/helicopters/airships for your site.
I've no problem with you using the captures (I guess as long as it's ok with antp and as long as credit is given to the source of the pictures ..IMCDb)
Good luck! :wink:

Hey Stronghold,
I completely understand. I don't want to take anybody away from IMCDb. I will check out your contributions. Thanks for allowing me to use some of them. It would be great to see you add some on your own here and there, but don't let it take you away from cars. I am thinking how I can give credit where credit is due. If it was you adding them, your username would clearly be marked in the history of each page or contribution. I am thinking about making a link at the bottom of each movie page with a link to that movie page on IMCDb.

Over 2000 contributions, that is incredible! I don't think I saw how long IMCDb has been around. Can anyone answer that?
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Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 18/05/2010 @ 12:23:51, By RockRacer
For me it is not a problem that plane captures from imcdb are used on impdb, as these planes are not really "official contents" of imcdb.
It does not hurt to put a link back to imcdb movie page (and in the other way too: put a link to impdb on the imcdb comments page) but it is not mandatory :wink:

I am certain it wouldn't hurt either website. They will both only continue grow. Of course I am way behind. :grin:

If you guys are willing to do it, I am willing to do the same. Just say the word.
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Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 18/05/2010 @ 15:09:30, By antp

Over 2000 contributions, that is incredible! I don't think I saw how long IMCDb has been around. Can anyone answer that?

Around 2004 or 2005, I would have to check. It really started to grow in 2006-2007.
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Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 18/05/2010 @ 17:46:38, By atom
I tried to add some but I dind't know how to add the pictures so here is my contributions that involves aircrafts: (there is a hang glider in this movie, but no picture)

Well, good luck with that :grin:
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Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 19/05/2010 @ 04:00:47, By RockRacer
I tried to add some but I dind't know how to add the pictures so here is my contributions that involves aircrafts:
I just created a "Well, good luck with that :grin:

Oh bummer. Lateff and Rola were successful in creating accounts. Lateff has already created a bunch of pages. I appreciate those screenshots! What country are those movies from? I don't recognize any of them. We did just create a New users page here: which should help with understanding how the site works.

P.S. Happy Birthday atom!

Around 2004 or 2005, I would have to check. It really started to grow in 2006-2007.

Very cool. I am jealous.

BTW, here are 2 examples of what my site can do for IMCDb at this time: (notice the "See also" section)
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Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 19/05/2010 @ 05:33:19, By RockRacer
Of course I can also do the same at:

Latest Edition: 20/05/2010 @ 11:32:25
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Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 19/05/2010 @ 05:52:10, By atom
Thank you :smile:

It mostly Swedish movies and some American.

I managed to upload two movies, maybe I will upload some more later.
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Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 19/05/2010 @ 06:02:46, By RockRacer
Thank you :smile:

It mostly Swedish movies and some American.

I managed to upload two movies, maybe I will upload some more later.

Great job! Those are rare additions I would say. (Which makes it very cool)
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Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 19/05/2010 @ 09:58:28, By marioman3138
My only one :sad: you upload the Bell for me RockRacer :smile:
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Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 19/05/2010 @ 10:14:49, By RockRacer
My only one :sad: you upload the Bell for me RockRacer :smile:

If you have no time or desire to come on over and try it out, then I would be honored to be able to use your screenshot. Thanks marioman! I could even use that motorcycle screenshot for my other site... (hint, hint) :dawa:

Hey Antoine, I wanted to also ask, what do you contribute your success taking off in 2006-2007 to? What did you do differently, if anything?
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Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 19/05/2010 @ 11:31:53, By antp
The site started to be known by US people (before that most of the members were French, as it started as a French site), not much was done I think, it just took time before enough people knew it to spread it, talk about it in forums, find it in Google searches, etc.

One which should be on the site, "The Aviator" :grin:
There are few planes pics available on if someone has time to add them

Latest Edition: 19/05/2010 @ 11:33:09
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Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 20/05/2010 @ 09:08:13, By marioman3138
I'll create a user for it. :smile:
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Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 20/05/2010 @ 12:54:40, By RockRacer
The site started to be known by US people (before that most of the members were French, as it started as a French site), not much was done I think, it just took time before enough people knew it to spread it, talk about it in forums, find it in Google searches, etc.

One which should be on the site, "The Aviator" :grin:
There are few planes pics available on if someone has time to add them
I see.

I agree, The Aviator will be a great addition to the site. I do have it listed on my Complete List page, just haven't been able to get to it yet.

I'll create a user for it. :smile:

Yeah, I noticed you created a username, very cool! It looks like your user discussion page already has a comment on it too!

Latest Edition: 20/05/2010 @ 12:57:57
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