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Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 31/07/2010 @ 09:31:54, By sixcyl
I visited the site, very nice and well put together, easy to navigate too..

Well, I'd would very pleased to be able to say the same thing :sad:
Sincerly I don't like this wikepedia environnement

Rock Racer, I'm sorry , I don't blame your work, and I apologize if you feel unpleasant this comment.I'm very bad with informatic in general :crazy: ...but I regret very much that you didn't "designed" this website as IMCDB is designed, ... but maybe difficult technically?

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Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 04/08/2010 @ 18:00:46, By RockRacer
Don't worry about it sixcyl. It's good feedback. It helps me think what I can do to make the site more user friendly for anyone willing to come out and take a look. I am just trying to figure out what I can do for you to make it easier. You are a valuable asset. We don't have many people at this time that can identify the older planes like you have been able to. In other words, we miss you. :smile:

Latest Edition: 01/09/2010 @ 09:06:37
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Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 29/08/2010 @ 19:01:45, By antp
I added a page but I have a doubt about the naming of it:
As the « L' » is kind of like "The" in English, I guess I should have put it after the title ? (« Arnacoeur, L' »)
There is also an English (non-original) title for that movie, "Heartbreaker".
I haven't added it yet to the movie list since I thought that maybe you would like to rename the page first...
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Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 01/09/2010 @ 09:12:42, By RockRacer
I added a page but I have a doubt about the naming of it:'arnacoeur
As the « L' » is kind of like "The" in English, I guess I should have put it after the title ? (« Arnacoeur, L' »)
There is also an English (non-original) title for that movie, "Heartbreaker".
I haven't added it yet to the movie list since I thought that maybe you would like to rename the page first...

Yes, thanks a lot! It looks real good! You have a couple messages on your user page: :grin:

Good point on the "L" thing. I didn't even think about that. Maybe I will bring it up in the forum and/or ask my admins. You will see I added it to the Movie List and it fits in right now how you have it. Technically, like you said, maybe it (they all) should be changed.
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Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 21/09/2010 @ 15:09:37, By BeanBandit
There's also Imfdb, or, internet movie firearms database.
Maybe not everyones cup of tea, but I find it interesting.
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Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 15/11/2010 @ 03:29:22, By RockRacer
Can I just say, sixcyl is the man!
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Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 15/11/2010 @ 08:29:46, By RockRacer
Can I just say, sixcyl is the man!

Well, everyone who has helped out with this little project has been great! It just appears that sixcyl has mastered the wiki format and been knocking out films like crazy.

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Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 08/01/2011 @ 22:30:30, By RockRacer
Anyhow, for most of the movies I have added to IMCDb I have made captures of aircraft, so I can just send those over to your page later on :wink:

Any more movies Mr. "Ford Lincoln Mercury"? :wink: :grin:

We are still trying to get through all Rinspeed's contributions which he chose to include on the forum rather than the wiki.

CDb has been amazing in this project and I really appreciate everyone's help. Out of all the sites I am on, even aviation related, you guys have been the most active by far!
Here's a fun list of all registered members

P.S. Guess the movie...
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Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 09/01/2011 @ 01:11:57, By chicomarx
"CDb" Only very cool people call it that...

Don't call yours PDb because that's "gay database" in French. :grin:
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Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 09/01/2011 @ 02:43:47, By RockRacer

Yeah, sorry I will refer to yours as IMCDb. :alarmclock118: :alarmclock119:
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Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 11/01/2011 @ 08:39:44, By ford_guy
I haven't had the time to capture too many movies as of late, but next time I get something I'll post it on your guys' forum :wink:
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Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 12/01/2011 @ 00:38:57, By RockRacer
Don't worry about it. Just playing around.

Nobody remembers the kids name "Ford Lincoln Mercury". It's from a 1997 movie so it might be more difficult. Nevermind.
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Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 12/01/2011 @ 10:24:02, By ford_guy
I knew what you meant. The Postman :tongue:
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Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 13/01/2011 @ 18:32:51, By RockRacer
I knew what you meant. The Postman :tongue:

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Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 18/01/2011 @ 12:37:04, By RockRacer
Holy smokes guys! I had no idea you were providing screenshots for here on this site. Thanks to vilero for pointing out that I could search comments. It looks like I have some work to catch up on. I would encourage individuals interested to attempt the wiki format, but what some are doing (posting pics for impdb in the comments section of the movie) is definitely better than nothing and I really appreciate it! I will get on these films asap!
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Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 18/01/2011 @ 14:03:40, By antp
I think I also did that from time to time when I did not had much time :grin:
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Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 29/05/2019 @ 20:23:50, By Skywatcher68
What's going on with the IMPDb? I keep getting "connection refused".
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