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interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 14/03/2016 @ 19:18:49, By ingo

BTW ingo, were you still in Istanbul when that bomb exploded yesterday?

When that happened, we were just back home. But the bomb was in Ankara, not in Istanbul.

It was very obvious, that the tourism was declined, especially Germans avoid Istzanbul right now. But we don't bother that fear -better let's say hysteria :kiki:
We never did that.

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interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 15/03/2016 @ 16:48:59, By 3loader
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interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 15/03/2016 @ 17:32:14, By ingo
Spotted one hour ago on our local Aldi-parking: "Audi TT xs", as the badge says :grin:

A terrible shitbox. When I tried to seat in its prototype in the Toyota-Museum in Tokyo I stuck in it! My friend Hiroshi had to help and pull me out. The Reliant Robin is much better about that.

When I made closer pics of this motif, a Chinese Chery in police-usage, I was stopped by the policeman and had to delete the photos. Because the license plate was visible. I didn't start a discussion. Not recommended just a few hundred meters nearby the Taksim-place (where at the same time his colleagues worked with teargas. So I made this pic out from the Galata Tower:
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interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 15/03/2016 @ 19:09:48, By Gamer
Ingo, are you sure you are not mixing anything up? The car in the picture is a Daihatsu Copen, not a Toyota.
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interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 15/03/2016 @ 19:15:25, By Lateef
Daihatsu is still owned by Toyota, so it could very well be in the Toyota museum.
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interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 15/03/2016 @ 19:52:16, By Sandie
I like the Copen. Never seem one driven by a man though...

Spotted recently though not that unusual (I usually see a couple a year) here, a late Brazilian Volkswagen T2:

And a Jaguar XJS with mismatched wheels:
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interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 15/03/2016 @ 20:30:50, By Gamer
I also saw a Brazilian T2 earlier last year, it was the ICE edition. (which doesn't mean it goes up to 250 km/h :p)
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interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 19/03/2016 @ 17:58:31, By Baube
Once upon a time, many years ago, north-american roads were full of those cars . Now a little rare, this one can almost deserve the survivor status as it still in decent shape despite minor imperfections . I've seen some 1991-1999 Escort in way worst condition than this 1988-1990 one

i was in my car for the front shot, thinking 740 then i realized that tailights were too big. After getting out of the building it was still there so i took a rear pic. Is this one a late 940 ?

Since the black one is clearly a 940, is the silver one that i posted before a 960 ?

Seen yesterday morning while coming back from work but no pic as i didn't had my camera .... 1991-1993 Dodge Stealth... nice winter surprise since i rarely see them even in summer... :smile:

Latest Edition: 19/03/2016 @ 18:06:30
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interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 21/03/2016 @ 11:28:57, By Reg1992
^ My Dad used to have a 1989 Ford Escort. He hated that thing, it was a total lemon. He bought it new in late '88, and had it hauled of to the junkyard sometime in 1992, after it broke down on him for about the 12th time. Despite this, there are still quite a few of those things still zipping around in L.A. even today.
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interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 21/03/2016 @ 15:19:50, By Baube
one of my uncle bought a long time ago a used 1986-1987 one ( don't remember the exact year but it had CHMSL and the horizontal amber turn signal ) that he used to call " Escroc " ( crook ) because of all the money he had to put on it . Another uncle and my grandfather bought the Mercury Lynx ( around 1982-1983 ) but i was quite young so i don't know if they were reliable or not . My grandfather bought another Lynx, a 1986 , later and it wasn't that bad....( ok, wasn't the greatest one in history either.... :grin: )
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interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 22/03/2016 @ 04:05:56, By CougarTim
A few from my DashCam.

Dodge Viper in the office parking garage

SRT Viper

Mini Cooper Bayswater special edition

I saw a beautiful restored Chevrolet Corvair 95 Greenbrier recently, but to my disappointment it never entered the view of my camera.
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interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 22/03/2016 @ 13:10:12, By Ddey65

When that happened, we were just back home. But the bomb was in Ankara, not in Istanbul.

It was very obvious, that the tourism was declined, especially Germans avoid Istzanbul right now. But we don't bother that fear -better let's say hysteria :kiki:
We never did that.

Speaking of which, how is everyone from Belgium doing right now?
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interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 22/03/2016 @ 13:19:00, By Ddey65
Getting back on the topic, somebody at a car show had a 1959 Jeep FC-170 Tow Truck.
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interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 22/03/2016 @ 15:03:43, By Baube
seen this morning, without pic, BMW 318ti . Was a long time since the last one. Now very tempted to bring my camera to work....

seen yesterday night, BMW i8. No pic either, couldn't get rid of the slow Yaris in front of me ( funny, had the opposite this morning as a hurry one almost clipped my front bumper while changing lane, was behind me, passed me from right and sneaked in between me and the other car in the other lane... ), didn't wanted to pass it from right side and too much cars on the left, where the i8 was . Traffic lights weren't on my side either as they were turning green each time i was about to grab my camera , forcing me to leave the idea of a pic....

Latest Edition: 22/03/2016 @ 15:04:36
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interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 23/03/2016 @ 16:40:31, By antp

Speaking of which, how is everyone from Belgium doing right now?

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interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 26/03/2016 @ 09:29:50, By Reg1992
Three classics in what I call the "automotive district" part of town, where all the auto-related shops are clustered together.

Now there are still many, many 2nd generation Toyota Camry's alive and well down here, however this one was in showroom condition (hard to tell because of sun glare):

Early 90s Ford Tempo survivor. For some reason, I'm very fond of the tail light red/amber combination on these cars, it just looks right.

Late 70s Datsun thing at my college:

I don't even know what this one is:
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interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 26/03/2016 @ 10:36:23, By atom
Yesterday was a day at the Folkracetrack. The plan was to buy a 240 for my friend but unfortunately he chose the car with the most bidders and lost. All cars have a fixed price of 6500 sek and each bid cost 200 sek. It's always a gamble which car to chose, you're only allowed to pick one car. My friend placed five bids (1000 sek) on a 240 with dual Weber carbs which turned out to have eleven bids and we had to leave the track with an empty trailer :ohwell:
On the track there was alot of SAAB 90/99/900, Volvo 240, an Amazon, a couple of Beatles, Toyota Celicas and a Honda Prelude. The only picture I made was of this VW:
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interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 26/03/2016 @ 10:49:44, By Gamer
Black car in Reg1992s post is a Dodge Polara.
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interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 26/03/2016 @ 12:27:34, By Baube
Sorry Reg1992 but your Tempo is in fact little sister Escort.. :smile:
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interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 26/03/2016 @ 21:47:13, By CougarTim

I don't even know what this one is:

1964 Dodge 440
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interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 26/03/2016 @ 21:49:14, By night cub
The Datsun thing is a 1977 B210 Coupe with the honeycomb wheels

With a license plate that would be appropriate for a Honey Bee edition B210.

Latest Edition: 26/03/2016 @ 21:51:34
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