General » New flags
New flags
Published 19/02/2010 @ 21:56:31, By ingo
edit by antp:
split from
my fault, sorry, it is fixed
I added separate flags for Serbia & Montenegro
If you get the USSR flag instead of the Serbian one, just refresh the page, it is an old one in the cache (previously I used "RS" for USSR, which is the new code of Serbia)
edit: and added Quebec flag at the same time
original post from ingo:
So if we have the Quebec-flag (the English, Scottish ans Walisian are there since a while), will there be a Flemish an Wallonian, too?
And is there a Transnistrian one, too? My plate-collector-friends have seen indeed Transnistrian numbers on cars running here...
Latest Edition: 20/02/2010 @ 11:16:14
split from

I added separate flags for Serbia & Montenegro
If you get the USSR flag instead of the Serbian one, just refresh the page, it is an old one in the cache (previously I used "RS" for USSR, which is the new code of Serbia)
edit: and added Quebec flag at the same time
original post from ingo:
So if we have the Quebec-flag (the English, Scottish ans Walisian are there since a while), will there be a Flemish an Wallonian, too?

And is there a Transnistrian one, too? My plate-collector-friends have seen indeed Transnistrian numbers on cars running here...
Latest Edition: 20/02/2010 @ 11:16:14
Maintenance / Connection problems
Published 19/02/2010 @ 22:35:26, By antp
After having done the Sebian & Montenegro flags I was saying to a friend "shall I already make flags for Flanders, Wallonia and Brussels?"

(there are three regions, not two, unlike what some Flemish politicals say)
I may indeed add flags.
I could add flags for many other sub-country entities. Like US states.
In the flags set from there were flags for Scotland, England and Wales, I made the EU, DDR, Quebec, Serbia, Montenegro and few others, but it is not easy to make them in the same style as the original ones.
Latest Edition: 20/02/2010 @ 11:15:02
Maintenance / Connection problems
Published 20/02/2010 @ 01:24:14, By ingo
When you are engaged to create these many different flags, it would be nice, if you could look for the other German ones, too. It's historically really no correct to list the German-pre-war-vehicles (exactly all pre-1919 and 1933-1945-vehicles) with the black-red-gold flag. In fact these colours were strictly forbidden in the Nazi-time and in the emperor's time until 1918, too. See here:
Otherwise: until 1959 the DDR-flag was "logo-less" black-red-gold until 1959, too - but this would IMHO not nice, if all the IFA's, Framo's, etc. will getting this flag, too. "IMHO", because I dislike, if all the DDR-stuff would be irritatingly mixed up with *cough* real German stuff.
Back to Belgium: does Eupen/Malmedy has an own flag? I've seen, that they don't want to belong to the Wallonie. When I've been there, many bilingual street-signs were "repainted" - someone has smeared black paint over all Frech terms...
Latest Edition: 20/02/2010 @ 11:15:02
Otherwise: until 1959 the DDR-flag was "logo-less" black-red-gold until 1959, too - but this would IMHO not nice, if all the IFA's, Framo's, etc. will getting this flag, too. "IMHO", because I dislike, if all the DDR-stuff would be irritatingly mixed up with *cough* real German stuff.
Back to Belgium: does Eupen/Malmedy has an own flag? I've seen, that they don't want to belong to the Wallonie. When I've been there, many bilingual street-signs were "repainted" - someone has smeared black paint over all Frech terms...
Latest Edition: 20/02/2010 @ 11:15:02
New flags
Published 20/02/2010 @ 11:23:55, By antp
I slitted the topic so we can continue this discussion here, it is better
Indeed I could add older ones for Germany, but then it makes all that more difficult for listing cars. Or I could make that automatic using the year, of course. We already have problems with USSR/Russia flags.
The previous ones added were mostly for users, not for cars
Back to Belgium,
Eupen/Malmedy is not a region (in law-level). They have flag, though
Regions : Flanders, Wallonia, Brussels
Communities : Flemish, French, German
And these do not match each other... that's Belgium,_regions_and_language_areas_of_Belgium
There are problems between French & German areas? These are not much mentioned
Usually the problems are between Flemish & French, in areas around Brussels and in Fourons (Voeren).
Indeed there the French texts are often overwritten, to show only the Flemish ones.
Latest Edition: 20/02/2010 @ 11:29:25

Indeed I could add older ones for Germany, but then it makes all that more difficult for listing cars. Or I could make that automatic using the year, of course. We already have problems with USSR/Russia flags.
The previous ones added were mostly for users, not for cars

Back to Belgium,
Eupen/Malmedy is not a region (in law-level). They have flag, though
Regions : Flanders, Wallonia, Brussels
Communities : Flemish, French, German
And these do not match each other... that's Belgium,_regions_and_language_areas_of_Belgium
There are problems between French & German areas? These are not much mentioned

Indeed there the French texts are often overwritten, to show only the Flemish ones.
Latest Edition: 20/02/2010 @ 11:29:25
New flags
Published 07/03/2010 @ 00:05:00, By Toenz
We also need an Austro-Hungarian flag for our 1898 Nesselsdorf.

New flags
Published 10/03/2010 @ 13:47:16, By Jale
Not only - also Laurin & Klement and few others...
New flags
Published 12/03/2010 @ 00:09:01, By Toenz
Made a few historical flags in the famfamfam style:
Austria-Hungary (1869-1918)
German Empire (1871-1918)
Nazi Germany (1933-1945)
Kingdom of Italy (1861-1946)
Austria-Hungary (1869-1918)

German Empire (1871-1918)

Nazi Germany (1933-1945)

Kingdom of Italy (1861-1946)

New flags
Published 12/03/2010 @ 10:20:53, By antp
I'll already add the Autria-Hungary.
About German/Italian flags, I guess it will make things complicated if we can chose between the various flags. Maybe the site should select the pic automatically according to the year of the car...
Maybe I could do that for USSR/Russia too, what do you think? Only problem is that year is mandatory then if you wish the old flag to appear.
By the way, which was the first year for Russia rather than USSR? I do not remember what we decided, and we have cars with both flags in 1990-1992 range...
Latest Edition: 12/03/2010 @ 10:31:33

I'll already add the Autria-Hungary.
About German/Italian flags, I guess it will make things complicated if we can chose between the various flags. Maybe the site should select the pic automatically according to the year of the car...
Maybe I could do that for USSR/Russia too, what do you think? Only problem is that year is mandatory then if you wish the old flag to appear.
By the way, which was the first year for Russia rather than USSR? I do not remember what we decided, and we have cars with both flags in 1990-1992 range...
Latest Edition: 12/03/2010 @ 10:31:33
New flags
Published 12/03/2010 @ 23:50:26, By antp
So only 1992+ models should have Russian flag? Few need to be fixed then.
New flags
Published 11/07/2010 @ 17:32:26, By Kazimann
We need an Isle Of Man flag too, for the Peel P50.
New flags
Published 11/07/2010 @ 23:08:13, By antp
It is related to UK though
Else if someone can draw it with the same style as existing flags...
Latest Edition: 11/07/2010 @ 23:08:30

Else if someone can draw it with the same style as existing flags...
Latest Edition: 11/07/2010 @ 23:08:30
New flags
Published 12/07/2010 @ 14:24:31, By Sandie
Are cars that are built in other parts of the UK differentiated that way?
I mean does the Hilman Imp have a Scotland flag and the Rover 400 an England flag or do both just use the Union Jack?
I mean does the Hilman Imp have a Scotland flag and the Rover 400 an England flag or do both just use the Union Jack?
New flags
Published 12/07/2010 @ 16:39:51, By antp
Scotland is in the UK, but not really the Isle of Man: "The island is not part of the United Kingdom but its foreign relations, defence, and ultimate good governance are the responsibility of the Government of the United Kingdom." (Wikipedia)
Though that it is not a country of its own either, no?
Latest Edition: 12/07/2010 @ 16:40:40
Though that it is not a country of its own either, no?
Latest Edition: 12/07/2010 @ 16:40:40
New flags
Published 13/07/2010 @ 08:30:49, By Kazimann
It's in the same league as the Falkland Islands. The last remaining entities of the British commonwealth.
New flags
Published 21/07/2010 @ 07:10:11, By Gomsel
Will be a little complicated... but as an optional, add flags of provinces or states where they are manufactured vehicles (located next to the flag of the country) would be an interesting idea if you could, right? but as I said, it would be confusing. What you think of the idea?
And... in this link, flags of the argentine provinces:
The factory locations:
Buenos Aires province: Ford, VW, Mercedes-Benz, Toyota, PSA (Peugeot & Citroën), Agrale, TATSA, Zanella.
Córdoba: Fiat, Renault, IVECO, Zanello, Pauny, Materfer, IME (until 1980).
Santa Fe: Chevrolet, Suzuki (GM).
Tucumán: Scania.
Latest Edition: 21/07/2010 @ 07:11:37
And... in this link, flags of the argentine provinces:
The factory locations:
Buenos Aires province: Ford, VW, Mercedes-Benz, Toyota, PSA (Peugeot & Citroën), Agrale, TATSA, Zanella.
Córdoba: Fiat, Renault, IVECO, Zanello, Pauny, Materfer, IME (until 1980).
Santa Fe: Chevrolet, Suzuki (GM).
Tucumán: Scania.
Latest Edition: 21/07/2010 @ 07:11:37
New flags
Published 21/07/2010 @ 10:59:28, By antp
That's too much work: the country isn't already always properly filled, and the info about the province is not so useful
US stats may be more useful, but even there the "USA" info is enough I think.

New flags
Published 21/07/2010 @ 17:35:45, By Ddey65
So are we going to start seeing flags for Hondas built in Marysville, Ohio, or Timmonsville, South Carolina now?
Port Jefferson, New York actually built a Brass-era car for one year. I don't necessarily think I'd like to see a Port Jefferson flag if it turns up on the site. I'll stick with a USA flag.
Port Jefferson, New York actually built a Brass-era car for one year. I don't necessarily think I'd like to see a Port Jefferson flag if it turns up on the site. I'll stick with a USA flag.
New flags
Published 21/07/2010 @ 18:16:20, By Gomsel
Its only a suggest, and are an optional only.