General » New feature: List of vehicles with known owner
New feature: List of vehicles with known owner
Published 06/11/2010 @ 00:57:23, By antp
I said long time ago that I would do it, now it is done
In the vehicle-edit page admins can now set a "owner" field: if a valid imcdb member name is put there, a link between the car page and the user profile is done.
Now all what we have is to go edit all the cars listed in that topic:
I already entered those mentioned by Alexander in his first message (+ Ingo's K70 of course
) which gives already a small list:
(that list is obtained from the search page)
On the user profile you can also see the list of cars this member owns (at the bottom), e.g.
If others continue to enter info from that topic, please do it in the right order and mention where you stopped, so the next one knows from where to start
edit: done 1st page of the topic, in addition of the first post
Latest Edition: 06/11/2010 @ 21:28:48

In the vehicle-edit page admins can now set a "owner" field: if a valid imcdb member name is put there, a link between the car page and the user profile is done.
Now all what we have is to go edit all the cars listed in that topic:
I already entered those mentioned by Alexander in his first message (+ Ingo's K70 of course
(that list is obtained from the search page)
On the user profile you can also see the list of cars this member owns (at the bottom), e.g.
If others continue to enter info from that topic, please do it in the right order and mention where you stopped, so the next one knows from where to start

edit: done 1st page of the topic, in addition of the first post
Latest Edition: 06/11/2010 @ 21:28:48
New feature: List of vehicles with known owner
Published 06/11/2010 @ 01:17:02, By Neptune
Nice, but now I’m officially jealous ...
New feature: List of vehicles with known owner
Published 06/11/2010 @ 01:18:36, By antp

I'd like to have my car in a movie too

I recently discovered that few weeks ago they filmed few episodes of a (crappy) French series at 2 km from my home... if I knew that, I could have parked my car there

Latest Edition: 06/11/2010 @ 01:18:49
New feature: List of vehicles with known owner
Published 06/11/2010 @ 14:52:17, By Sandie
If I ever get my TV series made I'm going to deliberately have my car packed in the background of as many scenes as possible.
New feature: List of vehicles with known owner
Published 07/11/2010 @ 03:21:46, By ford_guy
Nice feature. Excellent job

New feature: List of vehicles with known owner
Published 07/11/2010 @ 23:44:30, By Gomsel
Very great job, but in my case i only drive cars of the other people, not mine, because I never had a car.
New feature: List of vehicles with known owner
Published 08/11/2010 @ 19:15:00, By ingo
Thanks for the little extra, I've noticed it yesterday
- right now it's not visible, because the connection is broken again...
It shouldn't be possible to place your car in a movie, just offer it to companies like these:
Surely there are such companies in your countries, too. It's not neccessary, that it has to be a classic car or something extraordinary. "Bread-and-butter-cars" are needed, too.
Maybe I'm offering my cars, too. Also the Omega in its NATO-olive could be interesting (before that I should eliminate the rust-bubbles and the trailer-coupling, and organize a new unit-sticker as the old one is gone).
Not to forget, that you can make good money with that. Have you seen the rates on the page of the first company?
My friend Manfred got a few hundred Euros for giving his car (he didn't care, that it's an Endemol-production. Their money don't stink either):
When they asked, if they could get the car again for the second part, Manfred could nicely lift up his price.

It shouldn't be possible to place your car in a movie, just offer it to companies like these:
Surely there are such companies in your countries, too. It's not neccessary, that it has to be a classic car or something extraordinary. "Bread-and-butter-cars" are needed, too.
Maybe I'm offering my cars, too. Also the Omega in its NATO-olive could be interesting (before that I should eliminate the rust-bubbles and the trailer-coupling, and organize a new unit-sticker as the old one is gone).
Not to forget, that you can make good money with that. Have you seen the rates on the page of the first company?
My friend Manfred got a few hundred Euros for giving his car (he didn't care, that it's an Endemol-production. Their money don't stink either):
When they asked, if they could get the car again for the second part, Manfred could nicely lift up his price.

New feature: List of vehicles with known owner
Published 25/11/2010 @ 18:08:29, By Ddey65
I mentioned this on another thread, so maybe it should be deleted there, but Jazz said he owned this one:
Unless he sold it.
Unless he sold it.
New feature: List of vehicles with known owner
Published 06/12/2010 @ 01:20:28, By ingo
fiatfiorino's Fiat Fiorino:
New feature: List of vehicles with known owner
Published 12/12/2010 @ 09:42:02, By 93_Montero
This is awesome, nice work. If only I had the Pajero badge and RHD then it could be an insurgent vehicle or driven by a mercenary in South Africa (Blood Diamond).
I want to see my Montero in a post-apocalyptic setting. The gray/black paint and rogue look would match the gray sky and misery. Just add a custom safari rack a brush guard/more lights and bars welded over the windows and a machine gun that's accessed through the sunroof over the back seats
I want to see my Montero in a post-apocalyptic setting. The gray/black paint and rogue look would match the gray sky and misery. Just add a custom safari rack a brush guard/more lights and bars welded over the windows and a machine gun that's accessed through the sunroof over the back seats

New feature: List of vehicles with known owner
Published 24/12/2010 @ 22:53:27, By Gomsel
It seems that nobody saw him, but this was the car of "wggarrido" (
They told me on facebook (I have added), it was his car. Now, is owned by a friend of his, and belongs to the club of Siam di Tella.
They told me on facebook (I have added), it was his car. Now, is owned by a friend of his, and belongs to the club of Siam di Tella.
New feature: List of vehicles with known owner
Published 25/12/2010 @ 04:54:36, By Gomsel
Many thanks Antoine