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Site/Ad Issues
Published 20/04/2024 @ 08:31:05, By antp
both the site and the forum are running super slow right now.
Though they have nothing in comment, they are not even on the same continent

Site/Ad Issues
Published 20/04/2024 @ 08:31:42, By antp
Site is very slow right now.
At that time it might be the daily backup (somewhere around 6-6:30 CET I think)
Maybe I should disable bots automatically during the backup, that would already help.
Latest Edition: 20/04/2024 @ 08:33:06
Site/Ad Issues
Published 27/04/2024 @ 15:21:11, By UKboy205
Is it just me or is the site that slow once again?

Site/Ad Issues
Published 27/04/2024 @ 17:48:43, By antp
Indeed. I enabled the bots filter, as often it helps.
I'll probably soon try Cloudflare to see if it can filter more effectively for that, or if I should try to implement myself in the site some limit on number of requests that can be made.
Or migrate to a more powerful server, but that takes time
Latest Edition: 27/04/2024 @ 17:48:59
I'll probably soon try Cloudflare to see if it can filter more effectively for that, or if I should try to implement myself in the site some limit on number of requests that can be made.
Or migrate to a more powerful server, but that takes time

Latest Edition: 27/04/2024 @ 17:48:59
Site/Ad Issues
Published 27/04/2024 @ 18:02:27, By Baube
comments search is pretty much out too ( i enabled the filter at 5:something AM for the BMW Dinan as i don't know how to enter it ) and barely got any results ( error message for 3 months, 6 months once the filter was enabled )
I couldn't even look at my previous comments from the profile page ( i wanted to find the Dinan back to link it here )
now works.. lets find out that Dinan..
Latest Edition: 27/04/2024 @ 18:08:44
I couldn't even look at my previous comments from the profile page ( i wanted to find the Dinan back to link it here )
now works.. lets find out that Dinan..
Latest Edition: 27/04/2024 @ 18:08:44
Site/Ad Issues
Published 27/04/2024 @ 18:10:42, By antp
5:24 probably, as I see 11:24 in the logs in local time (local for me, though the server is closer to you than to me :D)
Even with the bot filter it was still a little slow, I've restarted the http service on the server and it worked better, so maybe it had some issue after all the load of the bots in the last days?
In the last few minutes it was working well (replaced pictures from a movie).
Latest Edition: 27/04/2024 @ 18:12:53
Even with the bot filter it was still a little slow, I've restarted the http service on the server and it worked better, so maybe it had some issue after all the load of the bots in the last days?
In the last few minutes it was working well (replaced pictures from a movie).
Latest Edition: 27/04/2024 @ 18:12:53
Site/Ad Issues
Published 06/05/2024 @ 16:46:21, By andyhao
I thought it was my network or browser problem, or uploaded too many movies, but turns out I'm not the only one
Maybe that means I should take a break for a few days
Maybe that means I should take a break for a few days

Site/Ad Issues
Published 06/05/2024 @ 19:45:15, By dhill_cb7
Antp is on vacation so we will have to make due until he returns unfortunately. He is aware of the issue.
Site/Ad Issues
Published 23/05/2024 @ 11:11:40, By antp
New feature from the ad company: you can now report an ad more easily.
When you are on a page with a bad ad, you can simply add #audit at the end of the address and press Enter (replacing the already existing info behind a # if there is any, e.g. #CommentXYZ) and it will make appear a "Report this ad" link in overlay to the ad.
e.g. if you are on
simply change it to
Then when clicking the "Report this ad" link, you get a popup asking the problem and letting you enter some additional info to report it.
Latest Edition: 23/05/2024 @ 11:16:10
When you are on a page with a bad ad, you can simply add #audit at the end of the address and press Enter (replacing the already existing info behind a # if there is any, e.g. #CommentXYZ) and it will make appear a "Report this ad" link in overlay to the ad.
e.g. if you are on
simply change it to
Then when clicking the "Report this ad" link, you get a popup asking the problem and letting you enter some additional info to report it.
Latest Edition: 23/05/2024 @ 11:16:10
Site/Ad Issues
Published 23/05/2024 @ 21:02:34, By night cub
Well the latest thing for me was they kept installing ads that do not fit the long box on most of the pages. I kept getting square boxes on top of that space, and it interfered with the function buttons below. So I had to just block that element entirely.
The ads I was getting were targeted ads to me (I have been clothes shopping and most o them were men's clothing retailers) but they did not fit the box.
The ads I was getting were targeted ads to me (I have been clothes shopping and most o them were men's clothing retailers) but they did not fit the box.
Site/Ad Issues
Published 24/05/2024 @ 12:47:52, By antp
Strange that it seems to only occur to you, I wonder what causes that issue
Site/Ad Issues
Published 24/05/2024 @ 18:53:47, By night cub
I don't know what to tell you. I can't even show you a screenshot now that I've blocked the element. But I'm not having any issues now.
Site/Ad Issues
Published 24/05/2024 @ 19:02:34, By antp
Well if it works when you block them, it is fine by me

Site/Ad Issues
Published 25/05/2024 @ 10:33:39, By andyhao
Antp, I found the title search a little bit weird
For example, I entered Iron Man, no matter which option I chose, it only showed these four titles
Shouldn’t Iron Man 2, Iron Man 3 and other titles that start with or contains with Iron Man also be on this list?
Interestingly, it works on Transformers franchise
Latest Edition: 25/05/2024 @ 10:37:18
For example, I entered Iron Man, no matter which option I chose, it only showed these four titles

Shouldn’t Iron Man 2, Iron Man 3 and other titles that start with or contains with Iron Man also be on this list?
Interestingly, it works on Transformers franchise

Latest Edition: 25/05/2024 @ 10:37:18
Site/Ad Issues
Published 25/05/2024 @ 18:24:02, By antp
Good catch, there were two bugs in the line of code that I changed the other day
In some cases it was working, in some cases it wasn't.
It should work better now.

In some cases it was working, in some cases it wasn't.
It should work better now.
Site/Ad Issues
Published 29/05/2024 @ 23:20:10, By UKboy205
Said it before but I'm gonna say it again, is it just me or is the site really slow? Even the pictures take long to load
Site/Ad Issues
Published 29/05/2024 @ 23:58:37, By night cub
It is not you. There are apparently several new aggressive bots trawling the site, which seem to be ignoring the bot blocker. Antp has been trying to make tweaks to stop them, but hasn't found the right combo.
I've enabled the bot blocker for the past three hours (I think it is up now, so soon to be 4 times), but it only working sporadically.
I've enabled the bot blocker for the past three hours (I think it is up now, so soon to be 4 times), but it only working sporadically.
Site/Ad Issues
Published 30/05/2024 @ 00:41:35, By night cub
And now that the daily reset has happened for today, things are moving now. We'll see for how long.
Site/Ad Issues
Published 30/05/2024 @ 19:34:54, By night cub
About the Discover ad at the bottom of the page, I was looking to see if my ad blocker was having issues and came across this:
So it looks like other people are expereiencing the same issue on other websites. It seems that Chrome is the culprit.
And now I'm getting ads on the Forum. Obnoxious ones too.
Latest Edition: 30/05/2024 @ 19:35:21
So it looks like other people are expereiencing the same issue on other websites. It seems that Chrome is the culprit.
And now I'm getting ads on the Forum. Obnoxious ones too.
Latest Edition: 30/05/2024 @ 19:35:21