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interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 13/05/2016 @ 12:23:40, By Exiv96

and in front of it, a car with Lithuanian plates

I also saw a vehicle with lithanian plates in Brussels last Saturday, but that happened during the Brussels Food Truck festival.

I haven't uploaded my photos yet, so here's their Facebook page :

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interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 13/05/2016 @ 17:26:53, By 3loader
This thing is Avtokam Ranger. Licensed Soviet/Russian copy of British Rickman Ranger (which is plastic copy of Suzuki Samurai). Was made about 100-1000 cars.
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interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 13/05/2016 @ 19:35:49, By Sandie
Nice find. They made a scale model of it: which is random as it wasn't a popular car in Russia and was a bit obscure even here as a Rickman.
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interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 13/05/2016 @ 20:32:13, By 3loader
I'm not even heard about this car until saw it.

Latest Edition: 13/05/2016 @ 20:33:28
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interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 15/05/2016 @ 02:19:13, By Raji
Peugeot 403 Familiale with a front DZ 1959 license plate, and a rear black old plate (probably from the French colonization era).
Location: Emir Abdelkader (ex-Saint Rémy), Oran, Algeria.
Date: 03-03-2015

Latest Edition: 15/05/2016 @ 05:56:24
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interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 15/05/2016 @ 21:07:45, By Exiv96
Nice find. They made a scale model of it which is random as it wasn't a popular car in Russia and was a bit obscure even here as a Rickman.

The russian partwork series from which it comes from was so successful that DeAgostini, the publisher, extended it with anything remotely soviet or russian. A few prototypes, race cars, that belgian Lada Samara cabriolet conversion, and the Avtokam Ranger.

And then they continued with cars from the eastern bloc. And next cars and vans from another DeAgostini collection, in different colors. Right now, the series is at number 187, and releases are planned to reach issue 200 at least. :eek:
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interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 16/05/2016 @ 13:35:02, By Gag Halfrunt
Peugeot 403 Familiale with a front DZ 1959 license plate, and a rear black old plate (probably from the French colonization era).

I wonder if the rear plate is a film prop rather than a real old plate. For what it's worth, 9A was Algiers, not Oran.
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interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 16/05/2016 @ 21:17:55, By Raji
Yes you're right, that's what I thought too, it doesn't seems to be a real one and I was going to mention that in the original post but somehow I forgot to do.

Latest Edition: 16/05/2016 @ 21:18:17
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interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 17/05/2016 @ 14:19:22, By ingo
@rjluna2 :hello:

A long time ago I've mentioned this motif (and was angry, that the photo failed). Now I've seen a truck from this company again :grin:

Slogan: "Light attracks"

From annother lighting factory, but a shop, not a producer ( )

@antp, @chicomarx, @Exiv96:

Can you identify the country of the diplomat by the code? If you are wondering about the sticker, it's from

Seen at a weekend-trip to Berlin some weeks ago. The plate was issued between October 1990 and 1994.
Always rare and now totally extinct.

Maybe the wee Subaru is more rare than this one?

On the way back from Berlin I've spotted a few participants from the meeting "60 years Volkswagen in Hannover", as:

The plate is pre-1990, when this district was discontinued.

A real offroader, not such shitty SUV-toy-stuff. Spotted at our ALDI-parking:

Treatened like a classic, also restored, but still in the origin usage (in my village)

Also in my village, just in the next street:

From a small "Street and Craft Food"-event in the next town:

Last weekend we had our K 70-club-meeting here:

The following motifs are NOT his cars! They belong to the neighbour. And they are for sale (Framo-Barkas -TÜV-sticker from 1997- 2500 €, Lancia 1.800 €, Audi 800 €, R5 for free)

Latest Edition: 17/05/2016 @ 14:49:25
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interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 17/05/2016 @ 16:36:11, By antp
Nice photos, Ingo
I don't think you can know the country from the Belgian diplomatic plates; they are issued in sequential order as far as I know.
Exceptions are CD-YA-*** for square plates and CD-ZA-*** for US-sized ones

Latest Edition: 17/05/2016 @ 16:36:45
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interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 18/05/2016 @ 01:22:23, By Raji
Very interesting pictures ingo, the GMC logo on that white US stepvan is probably faked.
The source of these utility American vehicles in Germany is the US military bases, isn't it?
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interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 18/05/2016 @ 01:35:28, By ingo
Very interesting pictures ingo, the GMC logo on that white US stepvan is probably faked.
The source of these utility American vehicles in Germany is the US military bases, isn't it?

Sometimes, but the main source are private imports or they were bought in other European countries, to where they were brought someday.
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interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 18/05/2016 @ 02:00:49, By Reg1992
Five-minute video of someone with a camcorder driving around Los Angeles in 1988. Decent quality. Lots of interesting 70s/80s cars all throughout. Link

Latest Edition: 18/05/2016 @ 02:01:20
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interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 18/05/2016 @ 02:11:16, By Baube
interesting gas price too... :grin:
Nice to see.. there is a lot of them that i did not saw in real life in years....
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interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 19/05/2016 @ 11:06:01, By Exiv96
Nice photos, Ingo
I don't think you can know the country from the Belgian diplomatic plates; they are issued in sequential order as far as I know.
Exceptions are CD-YA-*** for square plates and CD-ZA-*** for US-sized ones

You meant "CD-ZA-*** for bike-sized ones".

IMHO the lack of proper US-sized plates in the current belgian system is quite ridiculous. There's a substantial community of NATO and SHAPE personnel, plus all those grey-imported US cars and pickups, and all they can have is a tiny 21 x 14 cm thing, that doesn't fit US-mounting points.
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interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 19/05/2016 @ 14:18:04, By antp
I don't know if they are more bike-sized than us-sized (as previously bike plates here had a different size, height was bigger than width), but they seem to be properly size to be put on us-specs vehicles.
For the mounting point problem, I suppose there are plate holders that can be put?
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interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 20/05/2016 @ 15:16:35, By Exiv96
The 21 x 14 cm plates are bike-sized, even the DIV says so. US-sized plates are 12 x 6 inches, which is about 30 x 15 cm, with specific mounting holes 7 inches apart. I guess our bike plates can fit the mounting holes of US-spec cars, but my gripe is about the DIV who thought enough about the NATO/SHAPE population to allocate the whole of the 8-***-*** plates, but failed to notice that the NATO/SHAPE population often drives North American spec vehicles.

And introducing US-sized plates wouldn't have been a big problem, since our (rear) belgian plates are now made by the same company who also provides plates of all sizes, including 30 x 15, for Germany, Holland, etc.
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interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 20/05/2016 @ 15:34:46, By Exiv96
A recent sighting in Brussels : a Renault Symbol with belgian plates, even though it was never sold here. The sticker behind the windscreen, driver side, might be a tax sticker from an eastern european country.
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interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 21/05/2016 @ 00:36:33, By atom
An accident earlier today. Looked like he had driven on the gaurd wire 50-100 meters :wam:
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interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 22/05/2016 @ 21:05:53, By Ddey65
From a small "Street and Craft Food"-event in the next town:

And I thought the Southeastern U.S. was the only place you'll find something like this.
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interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 24/05/2016 @ 03:00:50, By dsl
A garden in a pretty village in Derbyshire - Middleton-by-Youlgreave in the Peak District.

What's the big green truck?? And for fans of whacky rarities - a Vauxhall Cavalier with a German (Leipzig??) plate.

There is a bizarre backstory - the house is owned by a bloke who had filled the garden with 50 derelict Trabants (apparently the world's biggest collection??) ten years ago until the Peak District planning authority ordered them to be removed/scrapped - , , , ire&advsearchStartDateFilter=&advsearchEndDateFilter=&searchFilterHdSDFormat=All- &searchFilterDigitized=All&searchFiltercolorFormat=All&searchFilteraspectratioFormat=- All
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